Saturday, April 4, 2020

It's finally happened.The world has gone completely nuckin' futs...

I didn't think it was possible for anything to get worse than it already was. 

Corona beer stops production... 

Production of Corona beer is being temporarily suspended in Mexico because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Grupo Modelo, the company that makes the beer, posted the announcement on Twitter, stating that it's halting production and marketing of its beer because the Mexican government has shuttered non-essential businesses. The Anheuser-Busch Inbev-owned company also makes Modelo and Pacifico beers.
This week, the Mexican government announced the suspension of non-essential activities in the public and private sectors until April 30 in an effort to curb the spread of the virus.


Remember, keep your distance 
and wear your mask... 

or don't - I don't care.

You were wondering why I moved out of New Jersey?
 Here's reason # 4,732.

Nosy neighbors: 
In this coronavirus crisis, we need you! 
Do your job!

Today, as New Jersey’s Covidiots persist in their effort to endanger all of us, I have an important message for neighborhood busybodies across the state: Do your job!

New Jersey needs you. Peek from the curtains. Peer from the blinds. Call the police. File that full report. But please concentrate on the coronavirus crimes. Never mind who’s putting their trash cans at the curb a day early. Don’t be distracted by a leaf blower operating after hours. Get around to that burned-out streetlight later. You’re on coronavirus patrol now. If you see something, say something.

Remember: Snitches get stitches, but coronavirus victims get ditches. This is serious. Work your beat!

By Kevin Manahan | NJ Advance Media for

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for 'mansplaining' 
after interrupting Dr. Birx to attack Trump

CNN chief White House correspondent and complete piece of shitJim Acosta was widely blasted for interrupting Dr. Deborah Birx during Friday's coronavirus briefing to attack President Trump.

Acosta quickly derailed her observations about WHO to knock President Trump. "Dr. Birx, the president was saying this was going to go away," Acosta said. "It's April." 
"It is going to go away," President Trump fired back. "I said it was going away and it is going away."

If this dooshtool has two friends I'd be shocked. 

Did you see something else? You sick fuck you.

Is your wife or girlfriend as subtle as my wife is? 

Mine's as subtle as a brick.

This is what she bought me for Christmas last year. There was a card in an envelope on the box. Inside the card it said 'Use it'. That's it. No 'Luv ya', no 'Merry Christmas' no sentimental anything. Just 'Use it'. Ahhh... true love.

So anyway, the thing IS really kinda cool. Use it to trim my stash and mow the lawn around the nose and ears and all the other places hair ain't supposed to be. 

God has such a sense of humor, doesn't he/she? Ya go bald on the top of your head but then shit starts growin' outta yer fucking nose and ears. Jeezzzzzzzzzz....

If ya want one for yourself (or yer wife - hey , ya never know), you find it here at a really good price - less than 20 bucks:

Golf tip # 311 -If these two guys are in the foursome in front of yours do not, for any reason, try hitting in to them to make them play faster. Trust me.

Because he isn't a big enough jerkoff as it is...

Gotham’s chief executive this week might have accepted with some grace an offer of assistance from a crisis-tested, and devoutly Christian, emergency-relief organization — but he gave it the fisheye instead.

It seems that in Blasville, evangelical Christians armed with tons of the sophisticated medical equipment so sorely lacking in the city right now, plus the expertise to use it, are presumptively suspect. And are perhaps to be expelled.

Thus it was with Samaritan’s Purse, the unapologetically fundamentalist rolling rescue squad perhaps best known for the Ebola clinics it established in West and Central Africa over the past decade. And, of course, for its traditionalist views on homosexuality and same-sex marriage — neither of which the group has much patience for. And that’s to put it mildly.

“I said immediately to my team that we had to find out ­exactly what was happening,” said Hizzoner. “Was there going to be an approach that was truly consistent with the values [of] New York City?”

Right, because one can never be too careful about that sort of thing. What if the KKK offered to help?

Of course, there will be Martians setting up tents in Central Park before David Duke shows up — and even that is more likely than Kleagles running ­Ebola clinics in Africa. So this is not an argument, it’s a deflector shield.

Mayor de Blasio’s son, Dante, writes about his 
fear of police and the talk he had with his dad

Nice Fro, bro...


What a fuckin' SHOCK - omagod... 


This dude's my new idol.

Formula 1 mogul Bernie Ecclestone
 to be a dad again at 89 

The baby is gonna be a boy and the boy’s big sister will be 65. The car-racing billionaire told Britain’s PA Media that his Brazilian wife, Fabiana Flosi, 44, is expecting a son this summer. He said he’s not worried about having a newborn at such an advanced age.

“I don’t see there’s any difference between being 89 and 29,” he told PA, according to CNN. “You’ve got the same problems, I suppose. It’s all right.”

It’s Ecclestone’s first son — and his first child with Flosi, whom he married in 2012 — but he has three daughters from previous marriages: Petra, 31, Tamara, 35, and Deborah, 64. (Petra memorably bought Candy Spelling’s mansion when she was 22. Last year, at 30, she sold it for $120 million — the most expensive home in Los Angeles.)

You know me by now - you know I don't care if I repeat myself too many times. Cold hard facts are sometimes worth repeating, and this one is no exception. 

It really is true - now more then ever we need to stay healthy. And it's not that hard to do.

One of the easiest ways I know is just to add a multi to my daily routine. Here's the one I take - it has everything ya need in just one cap.



What an incredible fucked up world it's becoming.

A Massachusetts man convicted of repeatedly raping a 12-year-old boy was ordered released from jail Friday — because he suffers from health conditions that can make him vulnerable to coronavirus, according to new reports. Glenn Christie, 54, who uses a wheelchair, was ordered released from the Massachusetts Treatment Center by Superior Court Judge Heidi Brieger.

Christie was convicted of child rape and indecent assault on a child under 14 and was being held for violating his probation conditions, according to the report.

You and me both big guy. 
This summer's gonna really suck if there's no baseball. WTF with this fuckin' virus shit already? Jeez.

That is one ugly fuckin' mutt.



I can't even begin to comprehend how fucked up this musta actually been. 

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s former underage “sex slaves” was allowed to visit him around 90 times while he was in a Florida jail for solicitation of a minor, a report said Monday.

Nadia Marcinkova — whom Epstein allegedly “purchased” from her family and brought to the US around 2001 at age 15, bragging that she was “his Yugoslavian sex slave” — was allowed into the Palm Beach County Jail in 2008 while he was doing time for soliciting sex from a minor, the Daily Mail said, citing local sheriff’s office visitor logs.

This is her with Prince Whatshisname.

Marcinkova was in her early 20s by then — but jail officials should have been aware of accusations that Epstein allegedly sexually abused her while she was underage because the details were in a previous police report

Through all the bullshit and the never-ending, none-stop, unfuckingrelenting number crunching reporting on this virus shit, there is one magnificent upside to it all. 

I haven't heard word one from either of these two nitwits in the last coupla weeks. See - ya gotta find what little good ya can in any shitstorm.

You think your life sucks? 
He's housebound with her.

Flights are grounded. Fewer trains are running. 
Rush hour is gone. 

The world — particularly in cities — is looking drastically different during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. According to seismologists, that drastic reduction in human hustle and bustle is causing the Earth to move substantially less. Both literally and figuratively, the planet is standing still.

In case you were wondering...



Walmart will limit number of shoppers allowed in stores during coronavirus pandemic

In an effort to improve social distancing measures amid the coronavirus pandemic, Walmart announced Friday more changes to its store’s policies.

Beginning Saturday, the company will limit the number of customers who can be in a store at once, Walmart Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Dacona Smith said in a blog post.
“Stores will now allow no more than five customers for each 1,000 square feet at a given time, roughly 20% of a store’s capacity,” Smith said.

Store associates will mark a queue at a single-entry door, direct new shoppers there, and admit them one-by-one and count them as they do so, he said. “Once a store reaches its capacity, customers will be admitted inside on a 1-out-1-in basis,” he said.

From the 'I didn't know this crazy shit' file:

Some stretches of Road here in Australia are so long and barren  

you should pack at least 5 days worth of supplies before crossing

Just one of my roses in the garden.
 That's one of the great things about living here - roses year-round. 
Have a great day off.


Listen - I've said it before and 
I'll say it again so get used to it.  

This stay at home shit is getting serious - and really, really tedious.  

Fuck the stores and the masks and the masked idiots and the face screens and handling cash and all the other bullshit involved. 

Have your household items and groceries delivered to your front door, free of charge. Right click on this banner to open it in a new tab and find out how much amazing stuff you can order online:

You won't regret it, 
and it's ridiculously convenient.

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How can we believe anything these people say?

There's another, even better example from 2010 with old friend Nancy stating unequivocally that waste, fraud and abuse in Social Securit...