Friday, April 3, 2020

Good girls drink. Bad girls drink alot.

So I guess ya gotta go with yer gut on who you're gonna drink with... 





I have a feeling it mighta been pre-loosened


This is my pocket knife. Do you carry one? 
If ya don't ya should. Juss sayin'

The knife is available here for only $ 16.28. 
Where the hell ya gonna find a deal this good?  

See for yourself:




Yeah - I could use a belt right about now - 
how about you?




Do you keep a First Aid kit in your vehicle? 

I have since I was about 20, and I'll betcha I've had occasion to use it probably 20 times since then - once for a really bad car/truck accident on the GS Parkway.

This is a pretty good one and it'll fit under your front seat 
if ya don't wanna keep it in the trunk. 

Take a look:


Damn, girllllll...........




Because I'm patriotic, that's why.

Oh, yeah. She's a keeper fer sure.




Because I'm patriotic, that's why.


Here's your $ 100.00 winner - 
Who is our reader rickn8or ?  

Whoever you are, thanks for paying attention to this silliness. 

You have until April 9th to get in touch with me. Leave a private message for me on my Facebook page with your real name and address and, just like I promised, I will most happily send ya that hundred bucks.



Listen - this stay at home shit is getting serious - and really, really tedious.  

Fuck the stores and the masks and the masked idiots and the face screens and handling cash and all the other bullshit involved. 

Have your household items and groceries delivered to your front door, free of charge. That's what I've started doing - maybe you should, too. Right click on this banner to open in a new tab and find out how much amazing stuff you can order online:

You won't regret it, and it's ridiculously convenient.

Still closed. FUCK. Oh, well...

Guess we gotta go pirate on our own. Have a pirate flag at your house?  You sure as fuck all should have at least one. C'mon Jack - don't fuck around -  I showed ya mine. Show me yours. You can get your's here -they're cheap:


  1. PBR’s are also better than Coronas.

    I have carried a pocket since I was 8, 68 years, Currently I carry a Swiss Army wiith 1 large blade, a screw driver/bottle opener, a can opener, and an awl.

  2. I'm kinda lost on the whole PBR thing.


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...