Saturday, April 4, 2020

It's been a long month already - let's drink.

I'm in even of you ain't... 

Yours truly at the BackYard bar in Cruz Bay on St. John back in the 90's. 

FYI - I'm the one on the left.



Is that Jessica Biel?

When ya gotta hoard something, it should probably be well presented, right? 
How about this nice little wine rack.

It's here - and it's ridiculously cheap:










That is as smooth as anything you'll ever taste.

Again - I think it mighta been pre-loosened.



Because I'm patriotic, that's why.

I've had something similar happen to me once.





Because I'm patriotic, that's why.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it till this shit ends - this stay at home shit is getting serious - and really, really tedious.  

Fuck the stores and the masks and the masked idiots and the face screens and handling cash and all the other bullshit involved. 

Have your household items and groceries delivered to your front door, free of charge. That's what I've started doing - maybe you should, too. Right click on this banner to open in a new tab and find out how much amazing stuff you can order online:

You won't regret it, and it's ridiculously convenient.

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