Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Rule 5 or cocktails - Your call...

I'm not gonna sit around waiting for you slowpoke - let's do both... 

A quick word from your sponsor - I'm proud of what I'm able to do here and I'm really glad you guys are enjoying it.  

Another thing I'm really proud of is you guys - all of you for supporting the blog, with using and responding to the ads and using the blog as a portal to buying stuff on Amazon. 
You people are truly wonderful.  

Thank you all so much for your support on this!


Because I'm patriotic, that's why.







Hey! I found an even better deal on the knife sharpeners. 
Lower price and it comes with cleaning cloths - for less money!

You'll find them here:


Hey - that's mine!


I would never, ever leave that bar.


Ever think of trying it yourself at home?  

Buddy of mine does it in bigger batches than this can make, but this is a damn good way to get started.




That is absolutely marryin' material there, buddy.










And. of course, these two nice ladies...


  1. Those knife sharpeners are about the fastest way to ruin a perfectly good knife.

  2. just not true bud - I wouldn't talk about 'em if that were the case. Do you say that from experience? Because I've been using one for about 8 years now and they haven't hurt even my most expensive cutlery in the kitchen...
