Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Panic in the streets? No - stupidity

I swear to god - people are just lemmings looking for a cliff to jump off of... 


This from Vanity Fair Magazine:


Ever since the coronavirus exploded outside of China at the end of January, Donald Trump has treated the public health crisis as a media war that he could win with the right messaging. But with cases now documented in 34 states and markets plunging, Republicans close to Trump fear his rosy assessments are fundamentally detached from reality in ways that will make the epidemic worse. “He is trying to control the narrative and he can’t,” a former West Wing official told me.

The problem is that the crisis fits into his preexisting and deeply held worldview—that the media is always searching for a story to bring him down. Covid-19 is merely the latest instance, and he’s reacting in familiar ways. “So much FAKE NEWS!” Trump tweeted this morning. “He wants Justice to open investigations of the media for market manipulation,” a source close to the White House told me. 
Trump is also frustrated with his West Wing for not getting a handle on the news cycle. “He’s very frustrated he doesn’t have a good team around him,” a former White House official said. On Friday he forced out acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and replaced him with former House Freedom Caucus chair Mark Meadows. Trump thought the virus was “getting beyond Mick,” a person briefed on the internal discussions said. Trump has also complained that economic adviser Larry Kudlow is not doing enough to calm jittery markets. Last week Kudlow refused Trump’s request that Kudlow hold an on-camera press briefing, sources said. “Larry didn’t want to have to take questions about coronavirus,” a person close to Kudlow told me. “Larry’s not a doctor. How can he answer questions about something he doesn’t know?”

My question is simple. Who reads this shit and why do they read it? The entire article is speculation - there isn't a single fact of any significance in this dribble.


A couple still aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship is suing Princess Cruise Lines for $1 million over its handling of coronavirus 

Have I ever mentioned to you that I think most people are just plain scumbags? 
I'm sure I've touched on it once or twice. Case in point?

A Florida couple still aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship docked in Oakland, California, has filed a lawsuit against the ship's operator Princess Cruise Lines, accusing the company of gross negligence in allowing them to be exposed to coronavirus on the ship. Ronald and Eva Weissberger, of Broward County, are seeking more than $1 million in damages from the cruise line, according to the lawsuit filed Monday in the United States District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles.

They are two of the more than 3,500 passengers and crew members aboard the cruise liner that was held off the coast of San Francisco for days after 21 people -- two passengers and 19 crew members -- tested positive for the illness. Passengers began disembarking the vessel Monday. More passengers are expected to be removed from the ship Tuesday morning, according to an announcement from the ship's captain.

The lawsuit accuses Princess Cruise Lines of sailing despite "knowing that the ship was infected from two previous passengers who came down with symptoms of COVID-19, and had sixty two passengers on board."

In response to the lawsuit, Princess Cruises issued a statement saying: "Princess has been sensitive to the difficulties the COVID-19 outbreak has caused to our guests and crew. Our response throughout this process has focused on well-being our guests and crew within the parameters mandated on us by the government agencies involved and the evolving medical understanding of this new illness. We (sic) not been served with any lawsuit relating to this matter, and we will not comment on any pending litigation."


 A 7% plunge in the S&P triggered a trading halt yesterday morning. Here's how circuit breakers work

Traders on the floor of the exchange yelling at each other like kindergarten babies.

A plunge in U.S. markets on Monday triggered a 15-minute trading halt in stocks after the S&P 500 fell 7% shortly after the market opened.

The current guidelines mandate a 15-minute pause in trading on all U.S. stock exchanges if the S&P 500 index falls more than 7% before 3:25 p.m. New York time. Another “circuit-breaker” kicks in if the decline hits 13% before 3:25 p.m., and trading is suspended for the session if the drop reaches 20%. Trading also halts on both the Dow and the Nasdaq when a circuit-breaker is triggered on the S&P 500.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission mandated the creation of market-wide circuit-breakers to prevent a repeat of the Oct. 19, 1987 market crash, in which the Dow plunged 22.6%.




No wonders people are freakin' the fuck out - this is the top three headlines on the NY Post website.

It's nonsense - the media just goes from one super colossal crazy tragedy end-of-the-world bullshit story to another.  
People have stopped thinking for themselves. 

This will only get worse, I know it.


I was at a spring training game in Bradenton on Saturday afternoon (yankees/Pirates) and the place was packed to the gills. There couldn'ta been more than twenty empty seats in the place. 
I'm telling ya, people are NOT gonna stay home from baseball games and you know it, so why print stupid shit like this? Enough already! Jeez......

This is a great 'Bug Out' bag - make a great over-nighter or carry-on, dontcha think?




This was at the Publix by me yesterday - 
because people are just that fuckin' stupid.


This pair of bald eagles lives right near me - 
I see them almost everyday.  

There are hundreds of them around here. What a magnificent bird.



This is probably 3 or 4 years old, but I'll share it today because it still rings true.

Joe legal works in construction, has a Social Security number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Jose illegal also works in construction has no Social Security number and makes $15.00 per hour cash, under the table.

Ready?... now pay attention....

Joe legal: $25.00 per hour × 40 hours = $1,000.00 per week or $52,000.00 per year. Now, take 31% away for State and Federal taxes. Joe legal now has $31,231.00.

Jose illegal: $15.00 an hour × 40 hours = $600.00 per week or $31,200.00 per year. Jose illegal pays no taxes. Jose illegal now has $31,200.00.

Joe legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe legal now has $24,031.00.

Jose illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the State and local clinics and emergency hospitals at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or welfare. Joe legal spends $500.00 per month for food or $6,000.00 per year. Joe legal now has $18,031.00.

Jose illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps, WIC and welfare. Jose illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe legal pays rent of 1,200.00 per month or $14,400.00 per year. Joe legal now has $9,631.00.

Jose illegal receives $500.00 per month Federal rent subsidy. Jose illegal pays out that $500.00 per month or $6,000.00 per year. Jose illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe legal pays $200.00 per month or $2,400.00 per year for car insurance. Some of that is uninsured motorist insurance. Joe legal now has $7,231.00.

Jose illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance."... and still has $31,000.00.

Joe legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline.. etc.

Jose illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline and what he sends out of the country every month....

Joe legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe legal's and Jose illegal's children both attend the same elementary school.

Joe legal pays for his children's lunches while...

Jose illegal's children get a government-sponsored lunch.

Jose illegal's children have an after school ESL program.

Joe legal's children go home.

Now, when they reach college age...

Joe legal's kids may not get into a State school and may not qualify for scholarships, grants or other tuition help, even though Joe has been paying for State schools through his taxes, while...

Jose illegal's kids go to the, 'head of the class' because they are a minority.

Joe legal and Jose illegal both benefit from the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not.

Do you get it, now?

Lemme know if ya get it.

Here's yet another installment

Torpedo Tits of the 1950s, Complements of the Bullet Bra 




Watch the Skies: 
First of 3 supermoons tonight 

Ever here this? Early Genesis. Really good stuff.



This DEWALT 20V MAX Cordless Drill Combo Kit is 
$ 199.00 at Home Depot. 

Fuck that - you can get it here for only $ 139.00!  






What could possibly be so bad about that hat?




This Diner closed 15 years ago but tables are still set inside. ‘It’s like a movie set.'

The long-closed Franklin Diner in Franklin Borough, N.J.

The Franklin Diner appears frozen in time from when it abruptly closed 15 years ago. Chairs are lined up by the counter. Curtains hang in the windows. Salt shakers and napkins sit on the tables. “It almost looks like a movie set,” said Alison McHose, business administrator for Franklin Borough.

New Jersey is home to around 600 diners, more than any other state, and diners of the past tend to prompt nostalgia. Especially when there is an air of mystery, as is the case with this long-closed diner on Route 23 in Sussex County.

John F. “Jack” Carroll was a lifelong Franklin resident who served as mayor in the 1980s. He and his family owned and operated the Franklin Diner for more than 50 years. Carroll was 69 when he died in March 2005. He fell ill on a golf trip, former Mayor Paul Crowley said, and passed away not long afterward.

The diner where he served up his “ham salad sandwich” — McHose said it was “chopped up real fine, with peppers and mayo” — never reopened.

Crowley, a customer for 25 years, said Carroll had been running the diner with his two daughters. His wife died in 1993. “They just walked out, closed the door, and that’s why it is exactly the same as when he died,” Crowley said.

Ownership remains in the hands of Carroll’s daughters, borough officials said, and no one seems to know why they haven’t sold or redeveloped the property. The Franklin Diner property is just under fourth-tenths of an acre. The 1,894-square-foot building and land are assessed at $375,000.

The municipal tax bill, currently $14,231, gets paid every year, along with water and sewer bills.

I bet these guys had a lot of fun together.



More Chris Shapan. He's a genius.




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