Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Have we lost our collective minds?

From the way people are going batshit frikkin' crazy over this virus thing, you'd thunk so, 

Harvard wants students to move out in 5 days in bid to 'de-densify' campus over coronavirus 

I thought these guys were supposed to be smart...

The nation’s oldest university said it plans to switch to online classes by March 23 and asked students not to return after spring break week, which begins on March 13.  (Update: later the same day MIT, in an email from its president Rafael Reif, asked its students to do the same, and canceled classes for the week of March 16 to 20. MIT's spring break is the week after Harvard's.)

Harvard has more than 6,500 undergraduates and more than 20,000 students overall. “These past few weeks have been a powerful reminder of just how connected we are to one another—and how our choices today determine our options tomorrow,” said university president Lawrence Bacow in a statement posted to Harvard’s home page.

And in case you think they're the only fuckin' idiots in the country, 
how about this jerkoff?



Meanwhile, back on the trail,

Joe Biden tells factory worker ‘you’re full of shit’ during a tense argument over guns


Democrat presidential hopeful and senile old curmudgeon Joe Biden got into an argument over guns with a Michigan plant worker Tuesday, arguing over “AR-14s (which, by the way Joe, don't exist).” The worker and Biden went back and forth on proposed gun controls, with the working saying, “You are actively trying to infringe our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.” Biden responded, “You’re full of shit.”

Upon further claims that he was trying to take their guns, Biden responded to the worker, “Don’t tell me that,” and said he would “slap” him.

I'm tellin' ya - the NY Post is brilliant.

They'll say, "Oh, that's just Joe being Joe". 
Bullshit - if Trump did the same thing (which he wouldn't I believe), they'd wanna impeach the guy. 

Too bad the Dem candidate is brain dead. 
Oh, that's right - that's why he's their guy.

I know it's lame, but it is kinda funny...



A quick word from your sponsor - I'm proud of what I'm able to do here and I'm really glad you guys are enjoying it.  

Another thing I'm really proud of is you guys - all of you for supporting the blog, with using and responding to the ads and using the blog as a portal to buying stuff on Amazon. 

You people are truly wonderful.  

Thank you all so much for your support on this!

Michigan and Harvard aren't alone - 
this was in our local paper yesterday:


Ever see this place?
The World’s Most Beautiful Library Is In Prague, Czech Republic

Pretty spectacular, isn't it?

The Klementinum library, an exquisite example of Baroque architecture, was first opened in 1722 as part of the Jesuit university, and houses over 20,000 books. It was voted as one of the most beautiful and majestic libraries in the world by our readers!

The ceiling frescoes of this library in Prague were painted by Jan Hiebl. In 1781, director Karel Rafael Ungar established Biblioteca Nationalis, a collection of Czech language literature. Some of the rare historical books from this collection have been sent to Google for scanning and will eventually be available on Google Books.

Just as the Prague library is a rare and little-known treasure, so is it associated with several little-known facts: the Klementinum used to be the third largest Jesuit college in the world; recording of local weather began there in 1775 and had continued ever since; it is featured in a novel by famous Spanish-language writer Jorge Luis Borges. 


Some more of Chris Shapan's work:

You can find more of his work on his Facebook page:  


Another one of my favorite bars in the whole entire world. 
The Quiet Mon Pub in Cruz Bay, St. John, is host to the world's shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade. 
Google it - see what I mean...


One of the sad ironies of growing older (and there are many - trust me) is the fact that as you're going bald and losing hair on yer head, hairs start growin' outta yer nose and yer fuckin' ears. And you don't think God has a sense of humor? Think again Skippy. 

Anyway, I'm certainly not ever gonna win the 'Mr. Kempt USA' title any time soon, but it is a reality. Ya gotta trim that shit back or you'll end up lookin' like a friggin' ape or somethin.

My wife bought me this for Christmas last year, and I'll tell ya, (I HATE to admit it actually) - it's pretty damn good. Use it to trim my stash, too.

It might be something you should consider Bud. 



Baseball is gettin' closer and closer every day.


This week, back in'64, 
the Mustang went in to production for the first time. 

I remember the Ford Pavilion at the NY World's Fair where you could ride in one - indoors on a track. I might be a LITTLE fuzzy on that, but that's where we all first saw them.


Still, in my opinion, this may be the single greatest one-panel cartoon ever created.


President Trump suggested in an early morning tweet on Wednesday that Elizabeth Warren worked with Democratic Party leaders to hurt Bernie Sanders’ chances of beating Joe Biden in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. Trump, who called Warren “Pocahontas” in the tweet, claimed she purposefully stayed in the race on super Tuesday to peel voters away from Sanders.

“Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders,” Trump wrote. “If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close,” he added.

“They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!” Trump wrote, likely referring to Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen. Cory Booker, both of whom endorsed Biden this week.

Presidential? Not really. 
Fun? Absofuckinlutely.

My God she is just fuckin' despicable,  isn't she?

Tomatoes Hate Cucumbers: 
Secrets Of Companion Planting And Popular Planting Combinations 

If you're a backyard gardener like I am, you should appreciate this article about which vegetables are happier with other veggies:


Do you do a multi-vitamin?  

I do - have been for the last coupla years. I think it gets more and more important as ya get older (I'm 66 in case you were wondering). It's agood habit to get in to and keeps yer motor runnin' a bit better. 
This is the one I take:

It pretty much covers the whole range of supplements.
Maybe you should think about it a bit? 
Take a look and see for yourself:


And the takedown! Brilliant...


They're looking to hire at my Favorite bar
(yes -  my favorite in the whole fuckin' world - my favorite)
Need work? This place doesn't suck to work at

You can apply on Facebook - 



 Nathan’s, Coney Island, 1967. Photo by Arthur Leipzig 
Great use of light and dark.

Did you get a chance to see it where you are? 
It was too cloudy here, sadly.

And we're getting closer and closer by the day. 
I'm proud of you guys.



Think Duke would put up with all this quarantine shit?



Another gem from the 1960s! 

Even though the packaging boosted of “non-toxic plastic,” it turns out the standards for “non-toxic” weren’t that great in the 60s. Go figure. Not only was the plastic harmful, but the kit included a hot plate that had to be heated up to 300˚! 
Talk about a bad idea.





  1. Bat-shit crazy is correct Sir. Nobody is talking about the case of Dengue Fever reported in the FL Keys yesterday. Much more deadly.

  2. Virus, Sure kids are not affected much by it but older people can easily die from it so the idea is to keep as few kids as possible being carriers running around infecting other people. It becomes like a nuclear chain reaction and why it eventually goes exponential.


The Twisted Hillbilly's got a Happy Hour treat for your eyes...

To see what she has in her store today, click on the word 'nice'.