Tuesday, February 4, 2025

There is only one National Anthem. Stop trying to jam this nonsense down our throats...

That's one of about 40 other reasons why I couldn't give a fuck about watching this clusterfuck. It gets worse and worse every year. 
Guys in the NFL - get over yourselves. It's a game played by blacks and whites ( and every other color), same as with the people you want to attract. Don't patronize one segment of your viewship with this nonsense. Jeezis already...

Valentines Day is coming up soon.
She'd probably love to have this.

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's one of a kind and only $55.00 with free shipping.  


  1. "Stop trying to jam this nonsense down our throats." AAAAAA-MEN!

  2. Whaaaaaat?
    Is that IN PLACE of the Dutch National Anthem that I was promised?
    Dang it, it is time for mass demonstrations. Let's shut down Louisiana!

  3. If they want their own national anthem, give them the boot and let them start their own country!

  4. yup. tossed my last TV set out years ago and have yet to miss it. as for 'sports", I used to live in Philly. that town went nuts over their "sports" teams. like damn near all the time blowing smoke up their butts and shit.
    so, I went to one foot ball game (girl I was seeing at the time had season tickets $$$$. ) and 2 baseball games, both part of a work deal. (we all went and got paid for the day too ) but here is the part I do not understand. why would someone pay close to 100 bucks for a "team "shirt with some guy name on it ? hell some guys I worked with had a half dozen of them ? BTW, I got tired of Black history month back in the 1970's.
    lost a couple of good jobs because I was "the wrong color to be hired"

  5. I haven't followed pro sports since the '80s. This kind oof nonsense is one reason of many.

  6. I avoid the empire's distracting circuses on principle.

  7. It's hard to boycott something that I quit watching years ago. I heard two guys talking about the Super Bowel the other day or I wouldn't know who is in it. Still don't care.
