Sunday, January 5, 2025

Wonderous Stories...







I'm sure she was just recently divorced, huh?

It's gettin' downright frigid, Clem...
“The magnitude and extent of the Arctic air will build into the first full week of January and linger through the middle of the month and will, at times, affect more than 250 million people living in more than 40 states in the Central and Eastern regions. At this time, it looks like there will be at least three major blasts of Arctic air that will affect the Southern states,” meteorologist Alex DaSilva said. “The first outbreak will linger into Jan. 4, the second on Jan. 7-8 and then the third round on Jan. 11-12.” 



Either someone has a really great sense of humor and let this go through - or 
there are absolutely positively NO ITALIANS working at the Florida DMV.

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 - and come to you with free shipping!
Valentines Day isn't that far away, ya know...



  1. Cold in the winter is to be expected, I'll worry when the summer is not enough to melt the snow up in the Canadian providences.

  2. That "New Start" license plate... when I first read it, I thought it was "Anus Tart" as is a young lady who likes it in the rear end.

  3. God should not be mocked...for your own sake.
    Want to go somewhere warm that's not republican go to commie Hawaii.
    Lopez is a prima donna who thinks she's better than everyone else and laws don't apply to her.

  4. I know that license plate says A Nu Start but the first few times I read it all I saw was anus tart.

  5. I'm not Italian. Could you enlighten me?

  6. Arctic Blasts:
    "'Tis far easier to ski on snow than concrete."

  7. On JLO, why would Ben walk away from a body like that? It's not the body people its the personality in that body& sometimes it's not always sunshine and rose gardens.

  8. She's got a butt bigger than the Beatles. It's disproportionately big and it's UGLY.

  9. The first and the ninth are par for you. Now do Mohammed, you chickenshit


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...