Sunday, January 12, 2025

Who am I to bitch about the weather?

It doesn't matter if they're big Hollywood movie stars or just every-day Joes and Jills, this fire thing out there is just friggin' insane to even comprehend. It brings to mind - somewhat - images and memories of the last great war. The 'raging' nature of it smacks just slightly of what we did to Dresden towards the end of WWII, and aerial photos of the fire-ravaged areas do look a bit like similar shots I've seen of Hiroshima back in the day. Truly frightening shit.



'Experts' (there's a job to apply for - mescaline expert) warned last week of a shortage of peyote, a sacred cactus used by Native Americans in religious rituals, which produces the hallucinogenic drug and only grows in limited range across south-western US and northern Mexico. They blame a psychedelic renaissance taking off in wealthy western societies, as well as overharvesting and land development.
I would imagine it can't be that difficult to figure out how to grow them themselves, but who am I to say, right?


It is that time of year here in North Central Floridia that the temperature hovers briefly (actually for about a month or so) around the high 30's at night. All things considered, we really can't bitch that much...


In March 1964, the rock journalist Al Aronowitz awoke to find Bob Dylan asleep on his sofa and the lyrics to Mr Tambourine Man crumpled up in garbage.
The 22-year-old Dylan had spent the night writing and rewriting his new song on a portable typewriter at Aronowitz’s home in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, before chucking away the early drafts and stretching out on his friend’s couch.
Now, Dylan’s stained, crumpled and partially torn lyrics – which Aronowitz rescued from his trash can that morning and passed on to his children when he died in 2005 – could fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars when they are sold at auction. The auction house has officially estimated the lyrics will sell for $400,000 to $600,000.
Also on sale are 50 other items from Aronowitz’s personal archive, including an early oil painting by Dylan from 1968 (valued at $200,000 to $300,000), a 1963 handbill from Dylan’s first major headline performance, at Town Hall in New York City, and vintage photos.


Hollywood A-listers battled to get rooms at one of the most ­exclusive hotels in Los Angeles after fleeing the wildfires. Stars were among those jostling for beds at the Hotel Bel-Air, where luxury rooms cost up to $15,000 a night.
Think about that number. WTF could make a bedroom cost that much?

As I said last night with that other editorial cartoon, anybody who tries to make any kinda political shit out of a tragedy this unbelievable oughta have their gonads roasted. Juss' sayin', there's a difference between fixing a fucked-up system and laying blame for political gain...
But I guess people gotta blame somebody, huh?

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very attractive...
 Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet
It's only $ 35.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Valentines Day isn't that far away, ya know...



Seriously - Thanks, Tom...


  1. AI still can't get the hands/fingers right:
    the length of the proximal phalanx doesn't appear to be proportional to the size of the hand

    1. Thanks for pointing out that critical detail, I missed it entirely!

  2. Just think; last month it was devastating listening to a family describe losing everything in a house fire. I cannot comprehend what's going on now.

  3. Um, excuse me? That POS Newsome IS the first of many politicos who are to blame for this debacle!!! Facts are facts!

  4. Political blame and the California fires... it's tough not too blame the politicians when the fire hydrants don't have water because of something they did.
    About the $15k a night hotel rooms, if money is really not a concern...

    1. For 15K a night, how many maids come with it?

  5. California fires, does anyone think this will change the liberal mind? This all happened because the democrats let everything go to crap: no water because , no clearing of the brush, no clearing of downed trees and forest maintenance and to top it off homeowners could not clear brush away from their homes because "nature will take care of it" just as it would with everything else. BTW: smelt fish are sea fish not fresh water fish, scammed again.

  6. Tokyo March '45 was worse than Dresden and Hiroshima combined, but it took all 3 to finally end the war.

    The Commies have tried to guilt the US about Hiroshima for 80 years. If you want to knowhow bad invading Japan would have been, read a book called Hell To Pay. You will never doubt the decision again.

  7. Location, location, location. Me I'm a motel 6 kind of guy.
    Mr Tambourine Man was the most annoying song and I couldn't change the station fast enough. Especially when sung by that little black guy.
    This fire absolutely needs to be made political. It is politics that caused the tragedy. And maybe, just maybe, some politicians heads will roll. You are confusing cause and affect. The cause is politics. The affect is the cost of human suffering. Newsom is one of the worst human beings to ever hold office. All of California problems can be laid at his feet and his pals in the media.

  8. I posted this elsewhere; Calif wastes billions on liberal pie in the sky social bullshit & tons of freebies for illegals, all while screwing people who were born and raised here. These scum just approved over a hundred new laws that took effect Jan 1st. All while bailing out Hollywood before there was ever a fire. Meanwhile my electric bill is up 60% in 3 years and I can't afford to put gas in the car. Hell is too good for them. I hope Trump shuts off the spigot and they have to live within their means.

  9. Dementia Joe has proclaimed that the federal government will cover 100% of the fire fighting and cleanup costs for the California fires. I would wager there are very few, if any, parts of the country that keep the democrat coffers filled as much as this portion of southern California. For all the help tech billionaires offer the democrat machine, they pale in comparison to the guaranteed support, both financial and PR, that comes from Hollywood and the surrounding areas. Biden owes them. The DNC owes them. The deep state owes them. And by golly Joe's going to make sure we pay to fulfill their debt.


    1. In the mean time, too many people in Western North Carolina are sleeping in tents with snow on the ground. But the political whores decided they probably voted wrong and can just d*mn well freeze to death. FJB.

  10. There has to be blame going on, regardless of how much you don't like it. If one side is going to use every disaster to beat up on the other side (Never let a crisis go to waste), then they both have to do it until a ceasefire is reached.

  11. I read that some of the fires are getting controlled. Too bad. All of la la land needs to burn. Maybe then there will not be enough libturds out there to out vote the correct people to run this state.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...