Friday, January 24, 2025

When the inmates run the asylum - A head cop (pun intended?) who doesn't know the law...

The New York Police Department issued an internal memo to officers reminding them they are not allowed to assist federal immigration authorities, the New York Daily News reported. The memo was issued Saturday ahead of President Donald Trump's inauguration by NYPD Police Commissioner Jessica Tisch. "The fact that a person is present in the United States without lawful authorization is a civil matter, not a crime," Tisch wrote.
Well, I hate to correct you Madame Commissioner, but yes, illegally entering the United States is a criminal offense. It is a federal crime under Title 8 of the U.S. Code - specifically, 8 U.S.C. § 1325 and 8 U.S.C. § 1326
8 U.S.C. § 1325 is the law governs illegal entry into the United States. It applies to people who enter without proper inspection at a port of entry, or who make false statements.
8 U.S.C. § 1326 - This law governs illegal reentry into the United States. It applies to people who reenter the United States after being deported, ordered removed, or denied admission.
What are the penalties for illegal entry? First offense: A misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both. Subsequent offenses: More severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment for up to two years 
Reentry after conviction: More severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment for up to 10 years or 20 years. Illegal entry can also have civil consequences, such as a civil penalty fine, but it is a criminal act.


  1. But Joe, the law is a living thing, open to broad interpretation. Ya know, it means whatever they say it means. Might be different tomorrow, depending on the situation, but it will always mean to them what they say it means.

  2. If they would just enforce existing laws we could send congress home 6 months of the year.

  3. I have maintained for decades, when you go illegals acts, you are a criminal. An "illegal alien" is a criminal. Cops are charged with arresting criminals. No?


Giving Fauci a rectal exam...

  Dr. Anthony Fauci had his taxpayer-funded security detail pulled,  President Trump confirmed during a press conference Friday. “I think wh...