Saturday, January 4, 2025

What else can Joe do on his way out just to piss us off?

In an effort to give us all - especially DJT - the biggest, boldest fuck-you middle finger, Biden is giving this usta-be prestigious honor to a bunch of miscreants you wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. “President Biden believes great leaders keep the faith, give everyone a fair shot, and put decency above all else,” the White House said in a statement. 
“These nineteen Americans are great leaders who have made America a better place. They are great leaders because they are good people who have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world.” 
Click on his fat mug to read the full list of 'honorees', and then explain to me how Bono (the U2 guy, not Cher's ex) deserves this award.
Wow - I think I just threw up in my mouth...


  1. The Israelis could've done the world a favor by eliminating this asshole right after WWII.

  2. that's as bad as giving Obama the peace prize

  3. Wadda ya expect from gropey Joe, coherent thought processing maybe?

  4. and some think that hanging is too good for them ? and as far as old George goes, might be better if we just shipped his old ass off to one of a dozen counties that want him to stand trial for the shit he has done to them.
    I try like hell not to read the so called "news" these days as it only pisses me off that they getting away with so much bullshit.

  5. I can't say what they deserve, it would be fed poasting.

  6. Many, if not most awards are given these days for political reasons more than for merit. Nobel Peace Prize, Oscar, Emmy, women's sports medals,

  7. If you were wondering WHO ran the country over the last four years...

  8. Well, that move pretty much makes that medal worthless. Like the Nobel peace prize. Worthless.

  9. PMoF has joined the Nobel Peace Prize as a piece of devalued junk.

  10. "Old Slow Joe" is going out with a shitshow like no body's business. Poor Donald Trump will be cleaning up the mess for many years after this current mess.

  11. I guarantee Pedo Joe isn't behind this insult to America. One...or more...of his many handlers dreamed this up.

  12. Soros isn't even a US citizen is he? What the hell?

  13. Biden just made the Medal of Freedom worthless.

    1. It will be worthless to Clinton and Soros, people know what these 2 have done and will find out later the full scope of the damage done in later years. These 2 people are evil and evil is always destroyed because in all things God is always watching. Not on our time of course but God's time.

      The medal will be made honorable again, it will never be worthless Wylie1 ....keep the faith of what it was made for.

  14. Where is the meme of Joetard ripping open a box of Crackerjacks to access the Presidential Medal of Freedom?


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...