Saturday, January 4, 2025

Maybe Uncle Joe shoulda drank more than he did...

I hereby nominate today - January 4th - should be 
'Nobody really gives a fuck what you think' Day...





Bartender I know does this every year. No idea why...

 Insert the word 'ONLY' anywhere in this sentence...


Did you think this was some kinda new phenomenon? This article from back in 2017 was probably the only consumer-type (for lack of a better phrase) discussion on this subject that's not overly smarmy or biased one way or the other. See if you can dig it up online. At the end of the day, if you're not some fat, pink-haired, tattooed, spiked & pierced fairy-dust-spreader, you'll figure out what they did - that there are two genders, and the rest of that he/she/me/they pronoun nonsense is all bullshit...




My not-so-subtle, year-end, fuck-off, I'm done with you message to a select few morons who thought Fakebook was a neutral-zone where they could spew any kind of venom they wanted to.

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 20.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!



  1. Since you don't give a F what I think, I won't be telling you the "secret" to become a billionaire or the "secret" to world peace, weight loss or how to have 6 pack abs.

  2. The latest studies on alcohol says it leads to all kinds of CANCER. Do you want Alzheimers or cancer?
    Dumped Nat'l Geo about 15 yrs ago as it went "woke" and was no longer enjoyable to read.

  3. Back in the 40's they said that smoking was good for you = WRONG!!!

    Today some bull $hit "expert" is telling you that drinking is good for you = WRONG. I can testify that alcohol caused dementia is a real thing. Alcohol kills brain cells. Brain cells do not reproduce. Eventually you are going to run out of brain cells.

    This is really no different than marijuana smokers telling you that Maryjane had no effect on their cognition.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...