Friday, January 31, 2025

This coulda been done every single fuckin' day of the Biden Presidency, but wasn't. Why not?

This is from a report in the NY Post, and very few other MSM outlets are reporting it - I wonder why. Anyway, Homeland Security agents in Washington, DC, cuffed Luis Felipe Duran-Hernandez, a dangerous Honduran migrant who had previously been convicted of the rape of a minor under the age of 13 and for possessing a firearm as a felon.
Duran-Hernandez had already been deported from the US four times, but continued to sneak back over the besieged southern border. It is unclear when the brute was convicted in the disturbing attack on the child and what his sentence was. He is now in the custody of the US Marshals Service with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer.


  1. There's no such thing in law as "illegal migrant". It's gobbledygook. Call them Foreign Nationals or Illegal Aliens.

    Otherwise, you're just part of the fucking problem.

  2. Now listen to the hard core Communists aka Democrats in Congress begin their wailing. "Wah. We were getting big kickbacks from the drug sales we allow. Now Trump has ruined that. Good thing we have a lot of other sources for bribes and kickbacks, but we can never haul in enough money."

  3. Somebody lend them an industrial woodchipper. It's cheaper to deport them home in small water-tight packages.

  4. "Illegal Alien Criminals", every one should get a 1st Class flight to some remote region in their country of origin, then drop them "off"......the plane, no parachute. Would send a message. PDJT: "The invasion by criminal illegals ends now".

  5. At the rate of ~1000 a day Trump is only gonna deport about 1.5 million illegals falling way short of Bidens numbers.


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