Friday, January 31, 2025

The single biggest difference between Uncle Joe and the Donald...

Defense rests. Your witness...




If you've got the time, a buddy of mine made this video a coupla years ago and pos
ted it on YouTube. 
This is St. John, where I usta live for a very good ten years...


Mexico argues the U.S. cannot legally change the Gulf's name because the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea dictates that an individual country's sovereign territory only extends up to 12 nautical miles out from the coastline. "[The name change] could only correspond to the 12 nautical miles away from the coastlines of the United States of America," Sheinbaum said.


Interesting how he did that. Change the character to fit the media and the location, so the people in Tennessee mighta seen both on the same day. The majority of editorial cartoonists are left-wing jerkoffs, aren't they?

Those of us lucky enough to have grown up (well, you know what I mean) in the 60's and 70's can look back and wonder. You know, like wonder what all those hot looking  babes look like now, and wonder how the fuck we made it out alive from all the crazy drug shit we did back then. Ahhh - the memories, huh?

Here's a great idea for a Valentine's gift  
for that special someone of yours...

Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet
It's only $ 55.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

I like subtle. That's subtle. Almost too subtle.

Yeah - go ahead and lie to us and tell us you never ripped those guys off. Go ahead - we'll all wait here. For the record, I mighta done it 20 times, at least...




  1. Is that the late Marianne Faithful on the right?

  2. Those pretty young ladies of the 60's and 70's may not look the exact same today as they did back then, but I am sure they are good to go, if they made it out alive.

  3. I was a teenager in the 70's that grew up on a hay farm. I had the 18" neck, 19" biceps, washboard abs, with a 44" chest as a senior in high school. I gained 25 pounds of muscle the summer of 78. Throwing 85 lb hay bales 5 to 6 days a week for 6 to 10 hours a day will do that. I was invisible to girls prior to my senior year when I suddenly got popular with the girls. I also figured out that girls that smoked also put out.

  4. I'm sure the Polaroid was immediately used to document the kind of photos you couldn't send through the FotoHut, etc. It's not called the oldest profession without basis.
