Saturday, January 25, 2025

The times, they say, are a'changin'. A leftie state like New Jersey swinging Republican? Nah - that's crazy talk. Or is it?

According to the website, Thursday’s brand new Emerson Poll shows President Donald Trump with a 48% favorable rating among New Jersey voters. 46% hold an unfavorable view of Trump while 6% report a neutral opinion.
Meanwhile, Democrat Governor Phil Murphy fetches a favorable rating from only 44% of voters while 42% give him an unfavorable rating. 12% are neutral on their governor and, amazingly, 2% don’t know him. Remarkably, while Murphy’s favorable rating is at 75% favorable rating among Democrats, it’s only 27% with independents and 14% with Republicans.
Murphy isn’t on the ballot again this year (he’s term limited), but the fact that Donald Trump is viewed favorably by more voters in the Garden State than the Democrat governor (!!!) is ominous news for the incumbent party.
This is bad news for Murphy, another former uber-liberal Goldman Sachs multi-millionaire like John Corzine - another of his predecessors in the State House in Jersey. He had delusions of grandeur, seeing himself in DJT's seat. Don't look like that's gonna happen any time soon there, Guv...
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  1. used to live in Philly, any time when I was talking with some girl I liked and then found out she lived in "jersey" I always ended up walking away. for some reason, the girls in "jersey" like the ones from Bucks county are just "off like"
    and never worth the time or trouble. and if you even thought you taxes are bad, check out how much they tax the shit out of you in "jersey" . no way in hell would I ever live in that state.

  2. In the immortal words of El Rushbo, "Democrats can't win without cheating".

    As with a lot of other places (soon in CA*), Too Big To Rig is becoming a mantra.

    *What, you think Nuisance isn't on his way out?

  3. The Republicans need to be working a strategy for flipping New York, California, and New Jersey just because they say it can't be done. Look at the numbers. It's closer than you think. New York was closer to flipping red than Florida was to flipping blue.

    1. If they can do that without picking up a bunch of RINOs. We're already full-up with them.

    2. When Trump said L.A. would get aid only if they had voter I.D. my hope grew that something might finally end the commie madness.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...