Monday, January 13, 2025

Sure, NOW all of a sudden they like guns...

One of the more interesting things about our totally fucked-up mass media and it's coverage isn't so much what and how they cover stuff, it's more about what they don't cover that pisses me off. Fer instance, I haven't seen or heard peep one about this anywhere in or on the news here, but a friggin' Brit tabloid can come up with the story? It's all about agendas, ain't it? 
Their story is here: 


  1. Our media here refuse to criticize ANY democrat in commifornia. Newsom could eat a puppy on live tv and they would find a way to kiss his ass.

    1. Reminds me of a line from the Clinton regime: Bill could dig up the rotting corpse of Mother Teresa, butt-fuck it on live TV and there would be people lining up hold his coat. "Tjhass all right; he's under a lot of stress. Besides, I say she was asking for it; did you see how that bitch was dressed?"

  2. Not so fast!!!
    Alvin Bragg is on the way to make sure that people who protect their possessions get put in prison for life!

  3. Figure the LA lawyers are lining up to cash in on the results of that sign.

  4. If a regular Joe in commiefornia shot one of "them" in the dem protected class, they'd get the maximum sentence. He would be treated way worse than the. subway hero in NY, Daniel Penny. I'd love to see what would happen if Streisand or Oprah shot one.

  5. Do not advertise. Looters, arsonists -particularly those caught in the act - should be treated with the 3S rule with field expedient modification. Toss 'em in the biggest fire you see.

    1. takes a lot to "burn up" a body. now, if you have a 55 gallon drum nearby and some diesel fuel,,,,

  6. used to work with a bunch of liberals. I had a CCW permit. something they hated. pretty sure that thought I had PTSD and was just going to explode one day. BUT, when anything bad did happen. they where right beside me like my best friend ! funny how that shit works out now isn't it ?

    1. Just one question, how did “a bunch of liberals” find out you have a CCW? ong bing

    2. Who has a CCW is a matter of public record. One of the New York newspapers doxed all the CCW holders in the area claiming it was public information that the public had a right to know. Someone doxed the editorial staff, and suddenly doxing was an assault on free speech.

      Of course, in this case, Anonymous 1:11 probably told them.

  7. Remember this all started with banning "Saturday Night Specials" (even before the assault rifle hoax) and blossomed into trying to take away all gun rights. Never give an inch.

  8. I'll bet these people going to the guns are the same ones that are trying to move heaven and earth to take yours and mine.

  9. Looters will be shot?
    Does 2A still exist in Kalifornia?

  10. That upside down woman in black is the beautiful, alluring and seductive Jane Greer. I can't find any place else to comment on it. I believe that is a photo of her as she appeared in the movie "Out Of The Past". If Jane doesn't get
    your full manly attention the way she looks and acts in that movie you might need a checkup to see if you're still alive.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...