Thursday, January 16, 2025

I was genuinely tearing-up during his speech last night.

 Ever laugh so hard you start crying? That was me last night 
listening to this self-important liar-in-chief...   



Just a few of the protestors at Pete Hegseth's Senate hearing, most of whom eventually got dragged out of the chamber yelling and screaming. Now you tell me somebody ain't payin' these fuckin' jackwagons to do this  shit? Who the fuck is behind this 'Code Oink' anyway?
(And that is not a typo)

 “An oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights, freedom and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”
- Joe Biden's way of saying good bye  



Seriously - who would pay that much money for that watch?


Bowery Market in New York City around 1900

Eating too much steak and bacon may raise the risk of dementia later in life, a controversial, government-funded study suggests. Harvard researchers looked at 133,000 adults for four decades and evaluated how much processed and unprocessed red meat they ate on an average per day.
They found that eating one serving of processed red meat - roughly two slices of bacon or a single sausage - was linked to a 13 percent increased risk of dementia. Bear in mind the wording, however. That conclusion - taken as a stand-alone quote -  fails to say that eating that exact regimen of processed foods every single day is the culprit. 
I agree that we eat entirely too much ultra-processed (prepared) foods in the American diet. Thankfully, I'm allergic to MSG, so I don't eat anything somebody else cooked and put in a package...



Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very attractive...
Click on the picture for more information on this lovely bracelet
It's only $ 55.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

Valentines Day isn't that far away, ya know...

What is that acronym about stuff - IYKYK?


Yeah - tell me that's not an insurnce scam...



  1. The Gov't says cow farts cause climate change, so of course everything "red meat" is bad.

  2. Any study that claims to be able to isolate a single or handful of variables withing the literally hundreds of food, environmental, etc variables as " the cause" of anything is beyond laughable. There is a reason why cloned mice in a controlled environment are the standard for identifying critical variables with real effects. But then there is the fact that they are mice...not humans.

  3. Alcohol consumption map (actually alcohol purchase map): I suspect the reason New Hampshire is ranked at the top is that their prices are lower than their neighbors' - lots of out-of-state purchasers.

  4. Bacon + steak=Dementia: Government funded study? Well, there goes all credibility.

  5. While I feel bad for the folks in the fires out west in regards to hunter's paintings burning nothing of value was lost!

    1. Re: Insurance scam: "If you don't have appraisals on every piece you claim you lost, then you ain't got diddly."

  6. The problem is there are too many people who actually think traitor Joe was the best prez we ever had. You can't fix that kind of stupid. I'm looking at you Hollywood.

  7. Code Pink=old hippy chicks trying to be relevant to the end.

  8. Who would buy a $3k Trump watch? Anybody who's seen Pawn Stars.

    1. Why buy a watch?
      Your phone keeps better time, all the time.

  9. Red meat is actually very, very good for you as it contains chemicals, vitamins etc that balance your entire basic human biology. We have canine teeth for a reason. What's bad is the chemicals they feed the cows and now some crap bill gates pushes to stop cow farts. Cancer used to be rare and now it is rampant. Go to utoob and watch the videos by Dr Berg where he recommends grass fed beef. He explains things in scientific ways you can understand, like how cells are made up and how they work. Every cell actually has a garbage disposal in it. How much money does hahvaad get from big food producers.

  10. You know what raises dementia later in life...marijuana.

  11. Hunter's artwork value had an expiration date, and the clock started ticking the day Trump won the election. The value hits zero on January 20th. It was only worth how much corrupt political influence it could buy.

  12. Looking at that map of alcohol sales by state, I am amazed that Kentucky is so low. There are somewhere between 2 to 3 barrels of bourbon aging for every person in the state, and distillery tours are booked in advance. Some of the more popular ones, months in advance.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...