Tuesday, December 31, 2024

They tax the tax we've already paid. How crazy is that?

Some people say Social Security taxes aren't taxes - they're forced savings. Well, okay, maybe so, but you have zero choices. Sammy's gonna take it and hold it no matter what. And then he's got the balls to tax us for the benefit he forced on us? That ain't fair - it's true, but ya know what's even less fair? When the state you live in grabs a piece of that benefit for themselves, too. That kinda bullshit should not be tolerated. 
Five states tax SSI benefits - Nebraska, Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota and Montana. For the record? Florida doesn't have - and doesn't need to have - a state income tax.




This is just friggin' brilliant. Woman says to Trudeau - 'Mr. Prime Minister - please get the fuck out'. Click on the screen cap for the X post with sound...






That's subtle. I like subtle...




  1. Student loans never go away... quite the deal for the banks!

  2. On student debt: all those that thought "don't have to pay it back" are in a world of hurt when the government sends in the mail a new letter stating all the fines added to loan for failure to pay on time" Stupid people, Supreme Court stated Biden has no authority to cancel student loans, so tough luck stupid people should have been paying it back like an honest person would.

  3. The picture of FJB's staff should be replaced by another picture of Obama. As to Nebraska's income tax, we now have a Governor who is far more interested in enriching himself than worrying about how to lower taxes for the rest of us. Pillen wants to get rid of property taxes on his vast hog operations while raising property taxes on other businesses. Arrogant and self serving dipshit who was installed when the previous Governor, now US Senator, used a Democrat tactic within the Republican Party to torpedo Charles Herbster using one of Ricketts' aides to accuse Herbster of sexual harassment shortly before the election so as not give Herbster time to refute the BS charges. After the election, it all went away.

  4. Anything the gov forces you to have like car and health insurance should be tax deductible like it used to be. Same with house interest that they took away from us or made the threshold too high to meet. Mandated vehicle inspections and the time wasted on them should be deductible. You can't hate these people enough.

  5. The people putting men in women's prisons should be imprisoned.

  6. We need the names of everyone in the "deep state" who were behind obama/biden.

  7. Social Security was sold based on the lie that it was a "savings" plan. It is not. Payroll deductions go into the general treasury fund, and are paid out to beneficiaries. Currently the payroll deductions are slightly more than the annual payouts but as the population ages, and all those illegal immigrants getting cash under the table don't pay any payroll taxes AT ALL, the program is going to start running a deficit real soon, bubba. Several years ago someone (Ron Paul, maybe?) had a proposal to allow people to put the SS payroll deductions into a mutual fund of their choice - this idea was killed. You think Blackrock and Vanguard have too much money now? Imagine what THAT proposal would have done to their assets.

  8. I worked two part time jobs while going to college. It was the 80's. I was also able to buy a new car for cash two quarters before I graduated.

  9. The US is one of the five charter members of the metric treaty. We are a metric country by law, and all our traditional units are defined metrically, eg 1 inch is defined to be 2.54 centimeters, etc.

    There more subtle problems. Our customary measurement system is “gravitational” rather than “dynamic” like the SI. So one pound-mass weighs one pound-force, and F = ma/gc.

    In the end, the US’ economy is so big that it can have its own measurement system without suffering any real costs, so forced conversion was judged not to be worth the political cost.

    PS. When Iwss in engineering school, they taught us 6 or 7 different systems of units, 4 or 5 of which are still in use.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...