Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Is Islam a religion women voluntarily choose? (Asking for a friend)...

 The Taliban have decreed that Afghan women are forbidden to:

Go to high school or university
Work in the civil service
Attend a protest
Go abroad
Drive a car
Travel alone
Ride in a taxi
Speak in public
Speak loudly inside your house
Read the Quran aloud in public
Speak to a male doctor
Play sport
Go to the gym
Go to the park
Wear bright clothes
Wear high heels
Look at men they don’t know
Show their faces in public
Own a smartphone


  1. Islam is right about women. The goat herders kicked our high tech asses in war. They don't have drag queen story hour. There's a lesson there, if you could see it.

    1. You are wrong on the facts. Sodomy and pedophilia are rampant in Islamic cultures. In Islamic thinking, women are for making babies and other men/boys are for fun. Watch some interviews of our soldiers who were embedded with them. The reason the Taliban despise women is because they fags.

  2. Islam is a stone age cult that developed far later than the stone age. Women cannot "Go to high school or university" nor "Speak to a male doctor". I guess they just speak to the muzzie equivalent of Granny Clampett and hope for the best.

  3. Mad Man Joe must be so proud of himself blindly turning Afghanistan over to the devil.
    Just wondering what Michael Obama thinks about this......

  4. Here are some tips from the "Religion of Peace". https://rairfoundation.com/religion-women-iranian-tutorial-stoning-females-according-islamic/


Getting past woke and moving forward. Finally...

 It's hard to believe the stupid shit people did in the name  of woke-osity and all manners of other crazy bullshit...     In the realit...