Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What else did they keep from us?

It's about time this guy - this friggin' weasel - fesssed up to at least some of the shit they do there.. It really is kinda sad, if ya think about it, how so many people actually think that what they see and read on Fakebook is legitimate news. This news was reported in a lot of places, but I like this report. Take a look.


  1. Zuckerberg and other CEOs are reading the tea leaves, understand that Trump will be president again in five months and know there's going to be hell to pay for infringing the free speech rights of the American people.

  2. His "apology" isn't worth dog s*&t. All of these POSs are called in front of Congress, apologize and then .... do it all again. "Sorry, shouldn't have shut down schools and mandated masks. Sorry, shouldn't have suppressed free speech. Sorry, shouldn't have sold technology to Chi-Coms." No punishment and it will all happen again.

  3. Why didn't he shout it to the world at the time "Hey! The Federal government is trying to censor free speech!". Why didn't he go on MSM and say it? Why didn't he put it front in center ON HIS OWN FREAKIN' SITE! Instead he did what was best for the side of the aisle he is on and probably lined his own pockets doing so. We've known this was going on for years.

  4. Gleefully de-platforming your self avowed enemy is far away from knuckling under pressure there Zuckie. the difference will be known during the rico trials.

  5. A sure sign that the polls showing a Harris victory or a close race are just more pro-democrat fake news.
    Mr. Zukerbucks is feigning concern and remorse in hopes of saving his ass when Trump is re-elected.

  6. Yeah, and I regret that you are not doing time in Gitmo right now before you are hung for treason. Total POS, with apologies to POS's for comparing them to this scumbag.

  7. Oh, NOW he realizes "the" error of his ways!

  8. Keep confessing, right up to when the rope completely stretches. Can't stand that little techno-pimp.
