Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The sad reality is, we all grew up, but some of us are still children...

 That's the only way I can possibly explain how 
an 'adult' could write something like this...  
And yes, I did obscure the writer's name, only because I think most of you know how to firebomb somebody's house. Okay - maybe you won't touch the joint but I bet haffayuz would TP the fuck out of it. Juss' sayin'...



A wildfire a couple of years ago revealed the remains of an 'Eire' sign on Ireland's coast that warned World War II Allied bomber crews that they were entering 'neutral' Irish territory. I have never heard any discussion on how Ireland and Switzerland were able to convince Hitler to leave them alone. Have you?



If polls are as worthless as we all think they are, why do we pay so much attention to them? Has anyone you know ever been swayed one way or another by a general consensus?


If she's elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called "un-American" during the Trump administration. Why it matters: It's the latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions such as supporting Medicare for All and banning fracking — proposals that aides say she now is against.
Want a laugh? Google 'Kamala flip-flops'...


The 'toss-up states are the ones they constantly refer to 
the 'swing states' - the states that can go either way... 

Because men are idiots. We know that.
That's also how we explain these things...
Do you think a woman invented the bullet bra?

I was toying with the idea of going back to Jersey to see my siblings around Christmas, then I ran across this picture of my truck in the driveway back in the day about 14 years ago, and I re-considered the whole idea. PS - that's an '05 F-150 my wife calls 'Big Blue'. I bought it brand new, and I'm still driving it to this day - sans the lettering, of course.

Here's a great idea for a gift that's both
 truly unique and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 - and it comes to you with free shipping!

It is kinda fascinating that Biden never had his feet to the fire over they way he walked away from nearly $ 90,000,000,000.00 worth of our military shit when he ordered the evacuation of Afghanistan.


  1. Almost all that equipment had been transferred to the Afghan Army before we left. But that doesn't excuse the chaotic, cowardly rout of the US military.

  2. Haven't read Handmaid's tale, but I did read 1984.

  3. Re Irish and Swiss neutrality: to get to Ireland Hitler would have to go through the RAF and the Royal Navy . . . a daunting task, to say the least. As for Switzerland, they had (and, so far as I know, still have) a passion for self defense. As I understand it every able-bodied male was trained in the military and then served in the reserves until age 45 or so. Light infantry weapons including machine guns were kept in active duth and reservists' homes to facilitate rapid mobilization at need. All the mountain passes leading into the country were mined and impregnable mountain redoubts equipped with artillery were built at strategic locations. When I was stationed in Germany many years ago I heard a story (don't know how true) that in early 1939 Hitler asked his general staff to evaluate the feasibility of invading either Switzerland or Poland. They reported as follows: invading Poland would require no more than 10 divisions, take a few weeks at most, result in light casualties of a few percent, and need only one or two divisions to garrison the country afterward. Switzerland, on the other hand, would require at least 100 divisions, incur very heavy casualties of 30 percent or more, take at least 6 months, and even then there would be no guarantee of victory. A garrison force would need 10 or more divisions.

    Hitler decided to invade Poland.

  4. The whole “Handmaids Tale” bullshit is just a repressed fantasy these liberal swamp donkeys have. I had to look up the whole premise of the show a while back after they kept cosplaying in that shit. The fact of the matter is that they would LOVE for a conservative man to not only fuck them but knock them up. Neither of those two things will ever happen with those limpwristed fairies on their side. It the same reason AOC keeps clamming she was “almost raped” and swears conservative men “want to date her”. She wants it to be true.

  5. In 1912, the German Kaiser visited Switzerland and asked a Swiss minister what the 250,000 strong Swiss army would do if Germany attacked with 500,000 troops. Reply: "Shoot twice and go home."

  6. Read Target Switzerland - Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War II by Halbrook. The Swiss Army went on high alert for six years with orders to fight to the death.

  7. The Germans used a Swiss rail line for access to Italy.



I'm not here, but Calvin is...