Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Morphine - I need me some more feen...

 Opiates were some of the most widely used medicines in 
19th-century America. During the Civil War, surgeons administered morphine injections and opium pills to soldiers who had endured gunshot wounds and amputations. Opium was also a major remedy for diarrhea and other diseases that spread through army camps during the war. The medicines worked well — too well, in fact. Countless veterans became addicted to opium and morphine, which they continued to take after leaving the army. 
There's a great article with more info here:


  1. Several TV Westerns made episodes from this back in the 50s. Rawhide, for one.

  2. So government to blame as always.


You were paying for Hunter's bodygiards. Did you know that?

Biden had a daughter named Ashley?  When were we gonna hear about her? I gotta believe that is a couple dozen very happy agents. Who'd w...