Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Are they up to their old tricks? No - this is something new...

The Post and other news sources are reporting that Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign team has been quietly editing news headlines in Google search ads to make it seem like major news outlets are on her side. The altered headlines — appearing on Google ads and paired with a “Paid for by Harris for President” banner — were changed without the news outlets’ knowledge, Axios reported Tuesday.
Nearly a dozen publishers were swept up in the faux headline campaign, including major companies like the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News, the Associated Press and PBS.
What do you notice about all of those websites? They're all leftie- or leftie-leaning 'news' organizations. Preaching to the choir? Yeah, sorta. Pretty fuckin' underhanded of ya ask me...

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  1. They're so crooked and deceitful they will do anything and everything to make America communist. They have no souls.

  2. And Google says it's fine. Nothing wrong with it.


Computer dating - Playboy style...