Friday, July 19, 2024

The always portray The Donald in the best possible way, don't they?

The magazine posted an image of its latest cover to its Instagram page, opening with the line “And now, Joe Biden has Covid.” The image itself shows a computer-generated image of President Biden and Donald Trump side-by-side on scales, dressed in nothing but underwear. The headline of the issue is called “The Health Issue” and is meant to discuss Biden’s “seeming deterioration.” “We had already been thinking about how to address the fact that this health issue would drop in the middle of a presidential campaign, when the presidential debate put the health and age of the candidates in the center of the national conversation,” the post quotes executive editor Genevieve Smith.
These are the kind of people who's picture is next to the word 'smug' on Wikipidia. And why does DJT have tighty-whities on and Joe gets boxers? That is incredibly nuanced, subtle smuggery...


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...