Friday, July 19, 2024

Practicing for election day in November?

It surprises me that somebody somewhere in geekland didn't try to scramble the RNC's eggs by shutting down the convention last night. You know how they used to say 'don't put all your eggs in one basket? Well, it appears that almost every small-to-oversized business in the world is doing just that.
 Most businesses don't have servers anymore. They buy software to run their businesses that run on the cloud, with all of their data going somewhere outside their businesses, to places and people over which they have zero control. It's really fuckin' stupid, but then again, so are most people - even the 'smart ones', the techies and the geeks and the nerds all pay with Google pay or Samsung pay or Cap't Crunch Pay. Cash is no longer king.
The severe issues at Microsoft yesterday crashed computer systems across the world leaving major businesses, newsrooms and television networks all plunged into chaos. It makes no sense, does it?


And Luckovitch is usually way, way over the left side of the leftist left in his 
drawings - go figure. I do notice that I keep hearing the words 'train wreck' more and more when they're talking about Joe's run. Maybe that's implied metaphor here.


“It’s a lack of leadership and it’s making all Democrats look bad.
 Whatever this mess leads to will not undo the damage that has 
already been inflicted. May God help us all.”

                                         - Ilhan Omar                

This was pretty funny, though. He's older than me.



Yeah - they don't make 'em like they usta...

Here's a nice idea for a gift that's 
both elegant and very affordable...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
There's only one left - and it comes to you with free shipping!



Scientists say so much ice is melting at the Earth's poles 
that it's affecting the rotation of the planet. Its spin is 
slowing down slightly, causing days to get 'longer'.




  1. I agree with you about kiddo rock....his 15 minutes of fame was over before he even started. I hate rap. Even hate it more after he appropriated Lynyrd Synyrds "Sweet Home Alabama"
    Hulk Hogan; don't think it was appropriate.....but still it was kinda kewl.

  2. Most small and medium sized companies are just about forced to use services at Microsoft, Google or Amazon because there is a shortage of halfway competent IT professionals. I have been out of IT for two years now (Retired) and still get calls from companies due to my Linkin profile (a requirement if you want to work in IT) because they cannot find anybody who can pass their basic hiring testing interview. All the better IT techs want to go to one of big Three for the money, which can be three times what a smaller company can pay.

  3. Picking solely on looks is dangerous. While I think Jill Biden is OK looking for her age, when you get past that there's the character that makes her appear unpleasant overall. She reminds me of my poisonous first wife.
    Mrs Trump appears to be a kind, well educated, smart lady and the looks are just icing on a good cake.
