Sunday, June 16, 2024

The new mantra? 'Go south, young man (and you older folks, too)'...

It’s not a surprise that people are moving long-distance more than ever. Events over the past couple of years, many of them a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, have created new challenges and opportunities. Much of the population decided to move away from familiarity or have taken the opportunity to pursue new avenues. Even increased prices among the best moving companies have done little to slow the migration.

Can you tell me what the one common denominator in both of those graphics is? The answers are simple. Both and did reports on tese trends. Click on either link to see for yourself.

             Graphics from      

Here's a nice idea for a simple gift
for someone who may have a birthday
or anniversary coming up soon...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
There's only one left - and it comes to you with free shipping!


  1. Be careful. Those from Kalifornia are nothing more than traveling preachers trying to convert their new states, all in the name of their Lord Newsome. They have all been promised a place at the head of the soup and bread line after everything falls apart. Emphasis on 'promised' of course.

    1. Fleeing Californians should be reminded they are refugees, not missionaries.

  2. Tennessee is awful. Rednecks, heat, snakes, "y'all ain't from around here" for at least 30 years, no good pizza, don't even ask about the doughnuts (no, Krispy Kreme is not a donut), no good bakeries. Crap roads. High crime (look it up). No housing. Go to Florida.
