Sunday, June 16, 2024

And this brain-dead muth*******ker wants to be President for another four years?

Obama to the rescue (as if that isn't sary enoguh)! President Joe Biden appeared to freeze on stage after giving remarks at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night before his old boss took him by the arm and pulled the president away. 
The incident captured on video is the latest in a series of episodes that have plagued 81-year-old Biden as he mounts a second bid for the White House. In the video, Biden and Obama are seen waving and smiling while receiving a standing ovation in the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles.
The full article with video is here. God help us all...


  1. I'll bet there is no mention of this in our MSM...

  2. I say Slow Joe doesn't have four months left in him, let alone another four years.

    Look back to 1944, when the Dems faced the situation with FDR, which made the choice of VP critical. Imagine Henry A. Wallace's surprise.

  3. Let's hope that at least ONE of the Hollywood elite was there without a covid facemask.
    That will kill the whole bunch of them.


Say cheese! No, seriously - what kinda you eatin'?

According to a post in the Post, Americans are anti-American … cheese, that is. Only one state in the union, Delaware, voted American chees...