Thursday, May 30, 2024

When our hearts are pure and generous, we do wonderful things...

A former Louisiana news anchor helped raise more than $220,000 for a 90-year-old veteran who she saw on Memorial Day pushing shopping carts at a local supermarket in blistering heat just to make ends meet.
Journalist Karen Swensen couldn’t believe it when she saw Dillon McCormick working under the hot sun in 90-degree temperatures at a Winn Dixie location in New Orleans – and quickly struck up a conversation with him where he explained he needs the labor intensive job to survive. The US Air Force veteran even walks more than a mile to work because he doesn’t drive. Want to feel better today? Read this article...


  1. He'll now be taxed on that money to pay for illegals.

  2. I'll be the guy
    “Mr. McCormick is working to EAT, he said. He needs $2500/month to live and says he only gets $1100 from social security,” That's a lot of money for groceries, so I'm guessing it sounds good for people to reach for their wallets. $220,000 in a high yield savings account will net about $850 bucks a month leaving him short of $2500 so he still will have to keep his job. Lastly could we get an explanation of why he didn't save anything or what happened to wipe him out of money. In the 70's they were telling everyone about IRA's later years was 401k's, he would have been in his 40's then and should have saved.

  3. Brian has a fucked up view of the world I'm thinkin'...

    1. Just asking for the rest of the story. I will admit to being cynical about people much like Dillon McCormick who thought he was being scammed, I guess he has a fucked up view also.


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