Thursday, May 30, 2024

A team from the USA we can all get behind and support? Don't count me in just yet...

This is how fucked up shit on the internet is. 
This is the US Women's Volleyball team...  
The ladies you see here were misidentified on X as the US Women's Olympic Swim Team, This photo was photoshopped to add the insert of the poser who thinks he's a woman adjusting his/her swim cap. Here is the post as I saw it originally:
This was created to send a distorted message. Okay, I see that, but what's the point of making an attribution like this that's so patently false? It's simple really. Once you accept the fact that most people are sheep and will believe everything that's fed to them, then you can get away with bullshit like this, but again, I have to ask - what's the point of someone doing this? 
It's just bullshit looking for a willing target. Kinda like a blog, I guess. Not this blog, of course...



It's 1958, and the average stewardess is a textbook 'spinner'. Juss' sayin'...

Well, we all kinda know that is fullashit anyway, but this one takes the cake. Rather than commenting on what he said - and the fact that it was patently false (another time I gotta use that phrase?) they side-step the shit and just say 'Yeah - he said it' Yup, sure did'. Jeez. No wonder we can't believe anything anymore anywhere...



A fact that's almost impossible to prove or disprove, so what's the point 
of making it in the first place? Just for the sake of the fancy graphics? 
They don't even make sense in the context of the statement.


Jeez Louise - even NPR is admiting (in a very left-handed way, of course) that Joe 
is in deep shit with what should be his largest deaf, dumb and blind constituency. 
Check this shit out - this article nails it. NPR. Go figure...


Here's a nice idea for a simple gift.
And you don't need a reason to buy it for her..
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping. There's only one left!

And they had to wait 30 years to find that out. I wonder if the study was constant or just a do it and then do it again thing. I'd hate to think somebody paid paid for 30 years just sitting around with his or her thumb up their ass waiting for the time lag to complete. I really do gotta figure out a way to get in to this whole 'study' business...


Good God - this was 54 years ago? Fuck.

The young lady dancer in this picture - taken a little over 
hundred years ago - she's my Father's Mother, my Maternal Grandmother Camille. She was just 17 here in the pic and was a professional vaudeville ballroom dancer. I can't imagine a time in my life that that would be an act worth watching, but they sure were different times back then, weren't they? And no, that is not my Grandfather she's dancing with.



  1. Just saying.....maternal grandmother- mother's mother. maternal grandfather- mother's father. paternal grandmother- father's mother. paternal grandfather- father's father.

  2. "is my Father's Mother, my Maternal Grandmother"

    You're testing us, right? Your father's mother would be your paternal grandmother.

    1. She's was my father's mother. Find another nit to pick, will ya? Gotcha...

  3. "... that is not my Grandfather she's dancing with."...That you know of....


A little tidbit from Playboy's past...