Saturday, March 23, 2024

Who do you suppose Biden goes to for advice? Obviously, he doesn't listen to his old boss...

More than a few news sources are reporting that Barracks Obee has been up Joe's ass to change direction or he'll be a one-term joke. 
It appears JoeyB isn't listening. Obummer has now twice warned Joe that his reelection prospects are in trouble - as former President Donald Trump is in a stronger position to win the White House than he was in the two previous cycles. Time Magazine reported Thursday that Obama paid Biden a visit in June and delivered the warning - and did so again in December when he didn't see the Biden campaign operation improve.

Barb would say that Ob giving the Fumbler-in-chief advice is like 
'pissing in the ocean and hoping the fish will feel it'. 
Who says she isn't fun to hang with?


  1. As long as the Dominion Voting machines to alter your vote exist, mail-in ballots to stuff the box for Joe (more votes than registered voters?) exist. Democrat ballot counting locations with covered windows exist, Joe and his puppet masters don't have anything to worry about. Just like in 2020 when he won 52 to 48 while "campaigning from his basement", the fix will be in, and he'll "win" again in spite of Trump's support (again like 2020).
    [Leftists in your face, "What are you going to do about it", yet again]

    To quote Joseph Stalin, "It doesn't matter how you vote, it only matters who counts the vote."

  2. Biden goes to no one for advice. He goes to Jill for his ice cream and unknown people behind the scene make all of the decisions.

  3. [Leftists in your face, "What are you going to do about it", yet again]
    I'm thinking this time around the wrong leftist is going to get in the wrong face and we'll be off to the races.

  4. LOL! Trump win! Ha! As long as mail in voting, ballot harvesting and Dominion Voting Systems exist NOBODY wins who isn't approved by the DNC.


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