Tuesday, March 26, 2024

II don't necessarily like the choices either, bu t this guy took it literally too far...

A Texas math teacher has legally changed his name to Literally Anybody Else to run for president in protest at what he sees as a dire choice of candidate from the two main parties.
The guy - who used to be named Dustin Ebey, 35, an Army veteran and seventh-grade math teacher in suburban Dallas -  got a Tarrant County judge to sign off on his unusual new name, which now also appears on his driver’s license, WFAA reported.


  1. The Libertarian Party includes None of the Above as a choice on EVERY BALLOT. Just imagine if that was on EVERY BALLOT for every election and if that selected choice wins, NONE of the candidates gets to participate in the do-over. Just imagine what our political landscape would look like.

  2. Ridiculous! With Vermin Supreme on the ballot, he doesn't have a chance!


Okay - who's not drinking out there that should be?

A 2024 Gallup poll also found that the share of younger adults who say they drink fell from 72 percent to 59/62 percent in the past two deca...