Thursday, February 15, 2024

She's not black. She's really, really ugly, and now she's unemployed. Again...

Is it my imagination or is her head bigger than Al Shaotin;s? Anyway, the infamous race faker and former NAACP chapter president Rachel Dolezal lost her job teaching at an Arizona elementary school after the district learned about her OnlyFans account, school officials said.
Dolezal, who is going by Nkechi Diallo, came under fire on Tuesday following reports that the Catalina Foothills School District teacher had an OnlyFans page listed on her public social media account that appeared to be operated by her, News4 Tucson reports. Dolezal was allegedly making $19 an hour in her teaching job, while also selling content on OnlyFans for $9.99 a month.
This is frightening beyond almost anything you can imagine. 
The story in detail is here.


  1. Dolezal is incredibly ugly.

  2. In a Muslim country she'd have to put on a sheep skin to get laid.

  3. I'd fap to my dog licking his nuts first

  4. Bigger question is how did she provide any credentials or pass a background check with that fake-ass name? Somebody didn't do their job at the district before she was hired.

  5. Because LYING ABOUT BEING BLACK is NOT a disqualification at this it. And parents, why are your children STILL being willingly handed over to the government monopoly day prison system every morning? How many more stories like this, about drugs, violence, sexually-abusing teachers, grade inflation, cheating scandals, boys allowed in girl's bathrooms and locker rooms, etc. is it going to take before you finally realize that YES, it is happening at your kid's school, and YES, it likely involves THEIR teacher.

  6. Wide angle lens makes her head bigger. There are some sicko's out there.

  7. Is it a wide angle lens pic of her or photoshop? Her head onto someone else's body?
