Tuesday, February 20, 2024

How many of these retirement mistakes have you made?

I surprised they don't have my picture on there somewhere...


  1. 11. Dying with a bunch of money in the bank while regretting all the things you could've done.

  2. We hired an investment advisor many years ago for all those reasons.

  3. #1 Trusting the Government to keep promises.

  4. Was looking OK until wife "lent" my step daughter and her husband nearly $500K last year to get a bigger house. All my retirement dream of travel with my own kids just evaporated. I'm getting over it but not gracefully. I don't think she'll do it again but divorce awaits, no matter how painful for me, if she misuses any of what's left.

  5. #1. Trusting the government AT ALL.

  6. They forgot about obama and those who didn't get out of the way...whoops....too late...

  7. I am guilty of 3 of these. I had a shitty investment advisor for 25 years. I managed $10k for both of my children and in 16 years turned it into $64K and $78k for each of my kids college funds. I made good money in the mid 80's up. I maxed out my 401k from my late 20's until I retired in 2014. My investment advisor netted me 4.8% growth over 25 years, way below market. My investment advisor realized a $210k loss in '08 by switching from failing funds and stocks to bonds. He tried to do it again in 2021 but I had told him freeze my account which he didn't do and lost $270k on paper. I had to go to cooperate to reverse his selling my funds. I switched investment advisors and have had profit every quarter since. I have bounced in and out of being a millionaire a few times. Retiring on a million dollar 401k with a $3000 pension and Social Security and you are just above the poverty level.


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...