Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Masturbating is a sin now according to the Pope. I guess he should know...

In a world where there are far too many experts on any given subject, I honestly don't know if he thinks he's one on this subject, but that ain't gonna stop him from spouting on it anyway. This is a fascinating article. After you read it, you can join me for a drink in the 'failed catholics sports bar'...


  1. Catholics have preached that for a long time. It's a sin to make love for pleasure, gotta do what makes babies every time! Fortunately Protestants are guided by the Bible, and the Bible doesn't say masturbation is a sin, except in the case of a man (Onan) who deliberately used a woman as a masturbatory aid when the only reason why the woman was with him was to make a baby.

    (I'm not Anonymous, I'm Priscilla King. Google is being tiresome.)

    1. It's a good thing that the rest of us know it is NOT a sin to have sex just for pleasure. As long as it is with your spouse only.

  2. the Catholic church has been poisoning minds for two thousand years. like many other religions, it's all about control over others, and tithing, TITHING. it's a two thousand year old pyramid scheme. all the money goes straight to the top.
    does a true prophet need a multi million dollar home and 3 gulfstream jets that fly on 15K an hr ? think about it.
    Jim and Tammy Fay Baker are good examples. Islamic Iman's are another good example of the mind control aspect of religion.
    never lose your personal faith, the answers are in the Bible. i'm an Old Testament man myself, just beware of the snake oil salesmen that will promise you anything so long as you pay them.

    1. Being an OT guy, then you must be familiar with Deut 14:22, which says you WILL tithe. But no one says you have to give it to guys that are already rich.

  3. Probably because he knows how to read.

  4. I parted ways with the Catholic church when,at age 18, there were too many questions that could not be answered.....such as why are some of the poorest nations on earth subservient to the single wealthiest organization in the world that is not a country?....inquiring minds just had to suck on that one....


The brain ain't workin', but the ego's still runnin' like nobody's business...

He admitted during a CBS News Sunday Morning interview in August that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led the charge because Dems in the H...