Sunday, December 29, 2024

The brain ain't workin', but the ego's still runnin' like nobody's business...

He admitted during a CBS News Sunday Morning interview in August that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led the charge because Dems in the House and Senate were worried that he’d drag down their chances of being reelected.
In September he told the braintrusts on “The View” that he was confident he would have defeated Trump in November. Many Democrats blame Harris’ loss on Biden’s insistence not to drop out sooner. No matter how you dissect it, as bad as she lost, he'd gotten his ass kicked even worse, and more than likely wouldn't have made it through his term if he was, god forbid, re-elected. Juss' sayin'...


The University of Iowa announced that it would close its Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies department as public universities in the state continue to respond to a changing DEI landscape. 

Maybe now they'll admit the whole thing was bullshit...

Have I ever mentioned 'Big Blue' here? I bought this truck twenty years ago for $ 26,050.00 cash. Flash forward to 2025 (in a coupla days) and this bitch is still sitting high and proud in my carport. The lettering obviously is off and she hasn't seen snow for ten years, but she's got 198,000 miles on her and still runs like a champ.It would make zero sense for me to ever get anything new if I can keep her running, and, yeah - she still has her ladder racks, and the heater and A/C still work...





Now ya know perfectly well this had something to do with TikTok or Fakebook or Instagram or some other nonsensical 'influencer' bullshit. It's getting to the point where damn near every day there's another news blip about some jerkoff dying doing something stupid while being filmed for their 'followers'. As far as I'm concerned, it's two less idiots on the planet. I call that a good start...

It's a poorly done meme, but still funny.


Two and a half questions about this 'news item' from First of all, who is this (they, actually) and why should anyone give a fuck about them, and second - if 'she' wasn't a dyke, would they refer to her as an 'actress' instead of the male version of the term? Asking for a friend...



  1. Major Quibble on the Univ of Iowa story Joe. Reading the article shows that they aren't eliminating anything, they are combining the programs under a new name.
    Mark in PA

  2. What gets me is the media is still fawning over this commie who almost destroyed this country permanently. How stupid do you have to be?

  3. The nation's First Pedophile President seems to have already forgotten how his democrat "friends" forced him out of the race by threatening to release hard documentary evidence of his and Hunter's scams selling influence and secrets to our enemies and others for under-the-table mega-million dollar payoffs to them and the rest of the Biden Crime Family.

  4. Should be safe to fly now. Airplane accidents usually happen in threes. We're two over so don't worry. Well, unless you see a Boeing decal...


A cartoon I don't quite get...

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