Monday, January 22, 2024

A classic example of how major media lies to us - and gets lied to...

FOX News presenter Jesse Watters speculated aloud on Jan. 9th that Pentagon officials were using Swift as a "psyop," or a psychological operation, intended to influence the public into voting a certain way.
Watter's guest, former FBI special agent Stuart Kaplan, noted that Swift has an outsized influence: "She can potentially singlehandedly swing voters because of just the amount of followers that she can potentially influence."
Print media jumped on this story like white on rice. They just don't get that Water's deliveries are always a bit tongue-in-cheek and he has a rather acerbic wit. Fools chasing foolish stories. That's your news sources for you...

1 comment:

  1. If ms. swift is giving bj's for voting for the pedo , she can count me out.


Who's a light sleeper?