Thursday, December 28, 2023

He had a proposition for her. It didn't work out that well...

The proposal starts well as they finish dancing in the fashionable Via dei Condotti under the Christmas lights. The young man then casually bends down on one knee with a ring as a tenor's voice reverberates around the square. But his partner's body language is immediately awkward as she makes repeated gestures pleading for him to stop in front of the onlookers as the romantic music continues.
The story with video is here:

Did you drop the ball a little bit buying Christmas presents 
for her? You can make it up to her...
Click on the picture below for more information 
on this item - the page will open in a new tab.

There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:


  1. he should thank her and move on.

  2. Well, for starters get a pal that can sing. Sheesh.

  3. So much of this is intentional and scripted to go " Viral " like this did .

  4. He dodged a bullet.


Sunday insignifica - PART TWO

TON 618 (abbreviation of Tonantzintla 618) is a  hyperluminous, broad-absorption-line, radio-loud quasar and Lyman-alpha blob located near t...