Saturday, December 30, 2023

When we were kids, emulating our Dads was a bit different then it is nowadays. Case in point?


  1. "Just like dad" did not work for us four children: we heard him couch every day and then at the end saw him physically couch up pieces of his lungs.
    BTW, that was the only time this bstrd was a role model to us.

  2. Then: Hey dad, can I bum a smoke?
    Today: Hey dad, can I bum a bra insert and some foundation for my makeup?
    Tomorrow: Dad? what's that?

  3. "Than" not "then". Give English a shot.

    1. Here's an idea. Why don't you start a blog for yourself and I'll bust your balls when there's a typo. Jeez...

  4. Sad to say I remember buying those as a kid, then moving up and stealing my dad’s real smokes by the time I was 13


Friday night insignifica...

Not that I have any personal knowledge of this, but... ...    Make her happy for Mother's Day. Buy her this bracelet. You still have tim...