Sunday, December 31, 2023

What will the New Year bring? Well, in Illinois you can put your fuzzy dice back up in the car...

 This is just in case you didn't think there was anything to look forward to in the New Year. 
Thankfully,  the legislators out there were thinking about important shit this past year...   

The New Year brings great news to drivers in the Windy City - fuzzy dice finally will be free to dangle in Illinois. Starting Monday, police in Illinois no longer will be allowed to pull over motorists solely because they have something hanging from the rearview mirror of the windshield. That means air fresheners, parking placards, and, yes, even those dice are fair game to hang.
Though the original Illinois windshield law was meant to improve roadway safety, it came to be seen by some as an excuse for pulling over drivers. The new law still prohibits objects that obstruct a driver’s view but forbids law enforcement officers from conducting stops or searches solely because of suspected violations. “With this new law, we are sending a powerful message that the state does not tolerate racial profiling or other forms of discrimination,” said Democratic state Sen. Christopher Belt, one of the bill’s sponsors.

Another new Illinois law seeks to stifle a more modern form of distracted driving by prohibiting people from participating in video conferences or scanning social media while behind the wheel.

Proof positive tha we don't learn shit from our mistakes. 
That's a 100-year-old editorial cartoon that's 
just as appropriate today.

Go ahead. Let in play in the background while yer surfin'.

A hundred years later and here we are again...

I'm putting together a kind of 'fucket List' of places 
I may want to visit before I kick...

That day Frankie and Frankie stopped over my apartment after work. 
For real - really did happen...

Republicans are taking aim at President Biden for swanning off on a Caribbean family vacation while the crisis at the southern border continues to grow by the day.

Another one from a hundred years ago.

I shit you not. The Mayor of one of America's largest cities wants to pay criminals - only black ones by the way - to not commit crimes. These people truly are nuckin' futs. Read this and weep for humanity:

I always thought people with birthdays around Christmas 
felt somehow kinda screwed out of presents.. 
Here's how you can make up for that feeling...
Click on the picture for information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!
There are a number of items still available in her shop. 
Click here to see them all:


Yesterday was a rainy sitty clammy cold fucked up wintery kinda 
non-Florida kinda day here so it was a good day to make a 
nice big batch of sauce and day drink. I think I was asleep by 8:00. 
Juss' sayin'...






  1. The Chicago mayor is just more proof that an idiot can succeed in politics. As if FJB wasn't proof enough.

  2. Not kidding: I was on Slickpoo Road (#5) last October. There really isn't much to look at, just generic farming/ranching country. There are some nice views across the valley towards Lewiston.

    While you're in the area, you might want to check out the Iceyéeyenm Hipinwées Wildlife Management Area. No, really, that's a real thing. Don't ask me how to pronounce it. "Coyote's Table", go here and scroll down a bit:

  3. What Brandon Johnson needs to do is go slap the dogshit out of his barber.

    Amazing that the solution to everything is handing out White People's Money to everyone but White People.

    Happy New Year everyone! Fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy ride.

  4. If you plan on hitting Beaverlick, KY make sure you stop also at Morehead, KY.

  5. I own a plane that can get us to many of those places...wanna go?

    Email me at "TheMiddleOfTheRight" at the Gmail. Hellofa road trip it could be.....

  6. How did you miss Pennsylvania where Intercourse is next to Paradise?


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...