Wednesday, November 15, 2023

They get everything for nothing and now they're getting picky? GTFO...

New York Post - The Big Apple’s makeshift tent city at Floyd Bennett Field is getting a bad rap among migrants - with one asylum seeker family telling saying 'they’ve been warned by others to stay away'.
Ronald and Franyenlin Castillo, a Venezuelan couple who arrived from Texas four days ago with their three young kids, said they refused to be bused to the controversial Brooklyn facility after being told by another asylum seeker it wasn’t suitable for children.
“They said they were going to send us to Floyd Bennett Field yesterday,” Ronald, 23, said outside The Roosevelt Hotel - the city’s main intake center in Midtown Manhattan. “We did not go because we already know the situation over there. We saw people returned with children. They say it’s not suitable there. There is nothing there … not even a television.” 
Click on the credit for the full article.


  1. Ship their sorry asses back to Venezuela.

  2. NYC taking a page out of Joe Arpaio's playbook??

  3. Awe that’s too bad, no TV. I’ve nicotine dad a TV in my house for 40 years. Let’s see, I read, I converse. Must be something wrong with me. Send me to Guatemala.

    1. Never had. Spell check good grief.

  4. They were promised a life of milk and honey. They walked thousands of miles . Once they arrive they get a make shift tent city and penniless democracy that can not afford them. Sanctuary they get, milk and honey , easy street not so much. Imagine how upset they will be when they figure out they were lied to?

  5. Ah stating the obvious. There is not enough free shit here. We came here for the free shit, now fork it over or we are going to go back to where we came from. Take that!!!


I'm not here, but what's his name is...