Wednesday, November 15, 2023

95% of all of our problems these days are caused by (or because of) social media...

Think about this - growing up, we had newspaper and TV and the radio. They all delivered the news to us with very little opinion thrown in, and - more importantly - were not interactive. That's what I think the problem is with news today. It's become a platform for people opinions. To be honest, a lot of what I post here is exactly that - my opinion, my take on things, so I guess who the fuck am I to talk, right?
There's a very good reason why I do not watch television news (with few exceptions - Jesse Waters is pretty witty). I don't give a fuck what some talking head's opinion of anything is. And before you chop my head off, I do appreciate the comments you guys make here to the shit I post. It proves to me that I'm not off-base, that we're connecting on some level. It's just too much with Facebook and Twitter and all that other bullshit where 'influencers' live. Ya follow?

 If you have ever walked down this alleyway, you'd know that it's in front of what 
may well be the coolest fuckin' bar I've ever been in, but that's juss' me sayin'...



The last time I heard from my first ex-wife...
... - North Andover, 20 miles north of Boston, held a meeting on Monday to discuss a request to fly the Palestinian flag. After a 'heated' debate it was approved. Israel's flag was also flown above the town common after October 7. The meeting had been scheduled for last week, but was postponed due to 'threats of litigation as well as public safety concerns'. Some people needed to be removed from the room, and at times people chanted slogans including 'From the river to the sea' - which Israelis say advocates the erasing of their nation. A local rabbi said the decision to fly the Palestinian flag was 'cowardly'.



A guy just bought the house up the street from me - 
moved in two days ago, having retired and moving down from Massachewshits. This was on the trailer he was towing - the same color and everything. THAT got the neighbors out to welcome them to the neighborhood. There's hundreds if not more guys down here with cool old cars, and the have a rally one Saturday a month at our town square. One of these days I'll post some pics - it's pretty cool. Here's a sample:


Speaking of the Villages, you can't imagine how 
often I hear shit like that from newbies...
I tell 'em right off the bat to shut the fuck up because 
THEY changed this place the day they arrived.

Do I really have to comment on this?


You know, Christmas is only six weeks away.
Sometimes, a little, heart-felt gift
is the best gift of all to give...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's  one-of-a-kind, only $ 55.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:



  1. Next rumor will be Will Smith giving oshithead a blowie on the roof of the White House,or vice versa...oh say that's not just a rumor?....miles and miles of sarc, for those who need it.....

  2. Dude! I’m 78 haven’t watched or listen to legacy media since Obozo was president. I visit your blog daily for a brighter view of the worlds assholes. Glad to be living in the free state of Idaho.


I'm not here, but what's his name is...