Sunday, November 5, 2023

I'm starting to understand why so many people hate DJT. I hope I'm wrong...

If he would just stick to talking policies and practical political problem-solving instead of starting pissing contests, we'd all be a lot better off. 
Juss' sayin'...


  1. Yes I agree. Pro Trump but I wish he would stop with the bickering with other Republicans. I am okay going after the Commucrats and their media suckasses, and the RINO's like lardass Christie. But why get in pissing contests with those R's that have absolutely no chance to beat him or the Commucrat fraud machine.

  2. I’ve said the same for years. His stupid Twitter wars with morons are a prime example. Getting personal in his attacks is his MO. Remember when he attacked Ted Cruz’s wife when it looked like Cruz was his most serious competition? I voted for DJT twice and was upset when he lost, but now he seriously just needs to go away. He’s making a big ass out of himself. Two of the states that Trump was convinced that cheated were PA and GA, he vigorously backed 2 Sen candidates in both states and they both lost and one of those were to that Loon Fetterman. So how is that cheating theory working for you now Donnie

  3. You just do not understand people from New York City, they are all like it.

  4. i love the guy, Trump is my president, but he tweeted his self right out of office.
    brandon hid in his basement and said nothing while Trump kept flapping his jaws. Mr Trump has to learn the power of silence,,, never show your cards, keep them wondering. that's how you win at poker. just my opinion.

  5. Donnie has every right to bust all their balls, dems and rinos.. You people want to keep fighting with some kind of rules, but there are none. The enemy(dems) play hard ball so we have too also. Answer this, exactly what forum does Trump have to get his word out and who is backing him? Since his 1st day in office he was fighting both dems and republicans/rinos to get anything done to help this country with zero media backup and even now he no one fighting for him...

  6. In 2021, I was convinced that 2020 was Not stolen. I was in Arizona in 2022, and following the evidence from that election, I'm now convinced that 2020 WAS stolen.

    But for Pete's sake, I wish Trump would follow Reagan's 11 commandment. Stop going after the Valery people he needs to run the country if he gets elected.

  7. Delusional narcissist self absorbed POS MFR. And yet our best chance for correcting this shit show and the bliss of vengence.

  8. So go after Rinos and communist/democrats....but leave the real republicans like Disantes matters not to me which one of these two gets elected....the result will be the stop all the bullshit, Donald....


Sometimes I think I'm stupid, but most of time I'm positive about it...

I hate to admit that I actually had to ask my wife what the gag or message was in this cartoon. I kept looking at the guy looking out the do...