Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Another babe who pegs my 'Give-a-fuck meter'...

TheGuardian.com - If this isn't a classic case of the old adage 'shut 
the fuck up and sing if you have to', nothing is. 
Pink is (sorta) well known for her powerful voice, acrobatic stage shows and stupid haircuts she gets at the same beauty parlor as Meagan the Pinkheaded soccer plaer, but on her Trustfall tour in Florida this week the pop star will try to distinguish herself for a different reason: by handing out banned books. Oh, boy - what a statement...
The singer is planning to distribute 2,000 free copies of books that have fallen foul of bans as a protest against a tide of censorship sweeping the US. Fans will get them at tour stops in Miami and Sunrise, Florida. Who knows how many will end up in garbage cans outside the theaters...
Describing herself as a voracious reader, Pink explained her thinking in an Instagram livestream. “I can’t imagine my own parents telling me what my kids can and cannot read, let alone someone else’s parents, let alone someone else that doesn’t even have children that are deciding what my children can read,” she said. 
I wonder if her father left copies of his Penthouse magazine 
laying around the house. Get my point, Pinkster?


  1. Hey Pink, did your parents or grandparents every give you porn when you were in grade school?

  2. Doesn't she realize that her fans can't read?

  3. while i don't condone the content's of the books. absoutley no books should ever be banned entirely but to be made age appropriate . i love Playboy but it's not something appropriate to be in schools. it's just not cool guys. let kids grow up and be kids and find out for themselves. bicycles, skinned knees, mud, trees and BB guns are what make adults.
    it's the first amendment. think Fahrenheit 451 or 1984. to ban any thought no mater how deviant or repugnant is to slowly lose our freedom a little at a time. if it ever starts it will snowball to complete censorship of ideas at every level. it's up to individuals to determine what is right and wrong, not the government. but that's just me.

  4. Wow! She's still alive then, go figure. Like some of her music, can't stand her politics. Shut up and sing Pinky.

  5. I remember as a 10 year old in 1960 standing at the drug store magazine stand perusing the latest Playboy....it was a monthly ritual at the time....did it harm me to see luscious, naked women as a pre teen?....I don't know....subjective, at best....I do know we never doubted there were two genders in those days....I personally was thankful for that....vive la differance, as they say....I went to Catholic school at the time....and yes, guilt may very well have been part of the pleasure....Pink fans will no doubt have no argument with her doing as she plans....I wouldn't be caught dead at one of her concerts, so there's that....this is still, at least for now, a free country....may not last long, so enjoy it while you can....according to the docs, I'll shuffle my way off this shitty ol' planet by this time next year....whatever happens after that will have to be endured by my children and grandchildren....am I sorry for the world I left them?....I'm only sorry I couldn't do more to protect and preserve the best and greatest hope for the common man that ever existed on this planet....the evil that was created to end that was too much for any collective of people to prevent....especially when at least one half of the people voted for their own destruction....or at least enough to make it easy for the democrats to rig it and steal it....on my tombstone, "Want to save America?....Kill all the democrats"....

  6. So going to give out Bibles at the concerts? It's the most banned book in history.


Priorities? A little left-handed, to be sure...

She even added the $157 million infusion would bring the total U.S. support to Lebanon in one year to “over $385 million.” For perspective, ...