Thursday, October 12, 2023

Just 'cause you're in Harvard, that don't make you very friggin' smart, does it? Good luck with that job search, Skippy...

Ya see what happens is, these entitled young jerkoffs think their opinions matter just because they go to some elite Ivy League school. Well, you may be edjamecated, but ya ain't that fuckin' smart. Did you really have to put your name on that letter, Einstein?
A group of US business leaders has demanded that Harvard University release the names of students who were part of organizations that signed a letter blaming Israel for deadly attacks by Hamas that triggered a severe escalation of violence across Israel and Gaza.
Several chief executives called for the names to be made public so that they, and others, could know not to hire the students once they leave Harvard.
Bill Ackman, a billionaire hedge fund manager and chief executive of Pershing Square, tweeted that he and other business leaders believe the “names of the signatories should be made public so their views are publicly known”.

Ackman added: “One should not be able to hide behind a corporate shield when issuing statements supporting the actions of terrorists.”


  1. Those clowns just put Harvard on the No Interview, No Hire list for all class years, not just Class of 2024. The rot doesn't get that deep in one year, it has been festering for decades.

    Ivy League delenda est.

  2. College people are generally some of the stupidest people on Earth.

  3. I forget where it was , but someone said whenever there is a big mess, there always seems to have a Harvard clown in the middle of it. and after looking at them, I kind of understand that now. God .they are stupid. dave in pa.

  4. Hahvahd, as they say in Bahstan, where they consume Labstah, not lobster....what would one expect from a bunch of assholes from the most leftist shithole in the country....

  5. Most likely Mossad was behind the attacks in one way or another in the same way that NO incident of "domestic terrorism" in the US has EVER happened without the involvement of the FBI in one capacity or another. Israel needs global moral cover for what they have always wanted to do in Gaza and to the Palestinians, and now they have it. Much like our "global war on terror" and its roots in the government run 9-11 operation.

  6. Palestinians had valid grievances. So what? Hamas just told the world that Palestinian people are sneaking cowardly scum with no reason to live, and Palestinians failed to deny it.

    (Hello, I followed a link from Motus/Meow here because of memories of Lady Lake. I like the views here; have had little to add and don't expect to have much. My Great & Terrible Aunt lived in LL.)


Okay - take your best shot. Who is she?