Thursday, October 12, 2023

When you stop working, you gonna be okay?

If you're not aware of this kind of data, you can ened up hurting yourself in whatever 'long run' you may have left. Our  situation is a good example - I hope. We decided to live where we do because we understood that even if Charles Schwab, Empower and Wells Fargo stole all our shit and went to Bolivia, we could still get by here on the less-than-$ 3,000-a-month we get from Social Insecurity. Granted we wouldn't be eating lobster and drinking champagne every night, but we'd survive, and that's my only focus.
Take a look at this article and see how where you live fairs according to their metrics:


  1. No matter how much you save up, no matter how intelligently you invest your money, trust me! Uncle Sam will find a way to separate you from your savings and/or turn your hundred thousand dollar account into ten thousand dollars in the blink of an eye with the stoke of a pen.
    It's happening right now, this very minute, in front of you

  2. Costs to retire in any state can vary by region and metrics should be used to narrow your search to which state when looking to relocate.

  3. After living in PA for 20 years, we moved to Colorado about six years ago. We found that we saved between 30% and 40% in our annual cost of living by moving west. According to this report is costs more to live in CO then in PA. Something is fishy…

  4. Need to know more about how they came to their conclusions. Just as a bald statement I think they are full of poo.
    I’m doing ok on a lot less that what they have for my state. Having the house paid for is key. Course now I go5 another bone to pick with anyone in government as I know I do not use 300 dollars a month in county services.

  5. I don't plan to stop working. Being debt free with 2yrs plus emergency fund I can be particular of what I do and put up with. The next venture will be less time consuming, more profitable and unregulated.


Okay - take your best shot. Who is she?