Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A question about the trend of the 'usual suspects'...

The dramatic video footage often appears on TV news and social media: A large group of people storm into a store, smashing display cases and snatching loose merchandise before escaping in minutes before the police have had time to respond.

Authorities say these so-called "flash mob" thefts are sometimes organized on social media and often target high-end goods that can be resold. The thieves occasionally use violence to carry out their crimes and aren't hampered by traditional techniques to prevent shoplifting, such as security tags and alarms.
Only a lib outfit like NPR wouls dare question if these things are occuring more often lately. Here's their take on this behaviour:


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Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
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  1. I have long resisted pointing out they are all using their free Obama phones to organize all this....

  2. An armed society could prevent this crap....just sayin....


On the beach in Port Noo