Tuesday, September 12, 2023

What's next after Burning Man? How about cleanin' the friggin' place up before ya go...

This is an opinion piece by the Post's editorial board. It pretty much nails it on the head what kinda dooshbags these people really are:


  1. You know who bought tickets and where they live. Divide the trash by the number of visitors and ship each their portion, along with a bill. Problem solved.

  2. It's no different than any other gathering of progressive Democrats. Plenty of pictures online about the trash left behind.

  3. Typical Communists. Their mantra, "No one should (fill in the blank); well except me of course." Therefore, "No one should trash the open spaces, Well except me of course." That rule works every time with these assholes.


I'm not here, but the priest is...