Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I've finally found someone I can idolize. This guy in Staten Island is a friggin' genius...

Migrants at a Staten Island shelter are being bombarded by a blaring 24/7 recording urging them to leave, claiming the site is rat- and mold-infested and that they “are being lied to by Mayor Eric Adams.”
The audio recording was being blasted from a professional speaker in five languages — English, Spanish, Ukrainian, Chinese and Urdu — at an ear-splitting level of 117 decibels Monday afternoon from the property of homeowner Scott Herkert next to the controversial former St. John Villa Academy-turned-migrant shelter.
Take a look at the original article and be sure to have the volume up a little to hear what the guy is broadcasting:



One of Las Vegas' once-standard perks is disappearing — more casinos have announced they are doing away with free parking.


TheGuardian.com reporting - New York University plans to divest from fossil fuels, the Guardian has learned, following years of pressure from student activists. The move from New York state’s largest university, whose endowment totals over $5bn, represents a significant win for the climate movement, organizers said.
The university first formalized the commitment in an August letter from William R Berkley, chair of NYU’s board of trustees, which was seen by the Guardian, addressed to a student activist group. “New York University commits to avoid any direct investments in any company whose primary business is the exploration or extraction of fossil fuels, including all forms of coal, oil, and natural gas, and not to renew or seek out any dedicated private funds whose primary aim is to invest in the exploration or extraction of fossil fuels.”





Buy her something nice.
She probably deserves it...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 18.00 and that price includes free shipping!



Surfin' up at the Jersey Shore and on Long Island 
might be pretty good Saturday and Sunday.

Barbara Stanwick in an Edith Head gown from the 1941 Preston Sturgess classic 'The Lady Eve. I swear she was beautiful. My wife thinks she's a dog. Anybody wanna buy a slightly used ex-wife? I'm entertaing offers...
'Absolutely the same dame...'


  1. We have some leaves turning already here in western ny

  2. She wasn't the most beautiful actress of her time
    -- but she was one of the very best actresses then
    And she was a personal favorite

  3. You went from Lana Turner to Barbara Stanwick? Is that some kinda weird kink I'm unfamiliar with? A penchant for moderately average women? Does Hilary Clinton give you a chubby? Geez!


I'm not here, but Calvin is...