Sunday, September 3, 2023

But will he ever go to jail for lying to us for so long? Doubt it...

This is amazing. Even  the liberal idiots at CNN know he's full of shit and called him on it, but he still probably won't ever have his feet held to the fire like he deserves.

Read the article here - it's fascinating:

Buy her something nice. She 
deserves it just for putting up 
with you all these years...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...


  1. Crimes against humanity demand far worse than prison.

  2. in a just world, he would lose all of his ill gotten gains from this shit and be hung by the neck until dead.
    in public. take his money and help all of the people hurt by this bullshit. but like you said, it will never happen. dave in pa.
