Sunday, September 3, 2023

And you wonder why I call it 'Paradise'?

Doochary is a small village situated near the beautiful Gweebara Bay in County Donegal, Ireland. At the edge of the village, just a little along the road from the old fort, there is a Holy Well, St. Sarah's Well, the waters of which are reputed to cure skin problems.
At the edge of the village, on the Dungloe road, sits an old Ice House.  The Ice House was used by a Landlord of the time to preserve fish (mostly salmon) caught in the Gweebara River which runs through the village. 
The old road from Doochary to Letterkenny (drive out of the village and instead of taking the higher road to Dungloe, turn off to the right on the road signposted for Letterkenny) offers some beautiful scenery with many small waterfalls cascading from the hills there.  Near the end of the road you can park the car and take a 7km walk down to Glenveigh Castle or just stop and enjoy a beautiful view over the lake at Glenveigh.

Absolutely heavenly. I could live there happily forever...


  1. If that's what you really want why don't you do it? The question is rhetorical but it is a serious one only you can answer...
    Life is short, you ought to do what you want while you can.

  2. well, your brother had his reason for living there. you might want to give it a shot. after all life is short and if you can, do it. dave in pa.

  3. The village name could also be used for Washington DC. by a minor change to the spelling, Douchery

  4. Are you sure you could live there with the weather coming right off the Atlantic?

  5. So go! Do it! What are you waiting for? Sell the house! Sell the wife! Sell the whiskey! No, wait, don't sell the whiskey.
